Special Education Professional Check-In Webinars
To stay informed of ESS announcements and special education check-in dates, please ensure your special education director information is up-to-date for your PEA on our contact list by reaching out to your monitoring specialist.
Presentations from Special Education Check-In Webinars
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Special Education Professional Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators. This event is an opportunity for the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
The indicators below will be presented on March 20, 2025.
Indicators 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 18.
- Indicator 4: Indicator 4 looks at incidents of discipline in excess of 10 days among students with disabilities across different races/ethnicities.
- Indicators 9 and 10: Indicators 9 compares the races/ethnicities of students with disabilities to the races/ethnicities of students without disabilities. Within each disability category, Indicator 10 will then compare the races/ethnicities of students.
- Indicator 11: Indicator 11 measures the percent of students who received an initial evaluation for special education within 60 days of a parent giving consent.
- Indicator 12: Indicator 12 looks at children (ages 0–2) who may qualify for special education services. If they qualify, Indicator 12 measures the percent of students that have a formal plan ready by their third birthday.
- Indicator 13: Indicator 13 calculates the percent of students with disabilities (when the student ends 9th grade or age 16, whichever is first) that have certain components in their educational plan. Their plan must include appropriate goals, transition information, services and courses.
- Indicator 18: Indicator 18 provides information on the statewide correction of noncompliance, within one year or less, identified through all general supervision activities within Exceptional Student Services (ESS).
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Special Education Professional Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
The indicators below will be presented on February 20, 2025.
Indicators 3, 15, 16, and 17
Indicator 3: Indicator 3 calculates the number of students with disabilities who completed the statewide achievement test and gives information regarding their results.
- Indicators 15 and 16: Indicators 15 and 16 measure the percent of problems that are solved through mediation or resolution sessions. Presentation may be found here.
- Indicator 17: Indicator 17 includes a multi-year plan called the SSIP. This plan is designed to improve results for students with disabilities. In Arizona, the goal is to improve literacy achievement in grade 3. Presentation may be found here.
There were two topics presented at Thursday’s Special Education Professionals Check-In.
PEA Determinations: The U.S. Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) requires states to make annual determinations on the performance of each Public Education Agency (PEA). The purpose of the annual Determination is to ensure PEAs are implementing the requirements and purposes of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Part B, regarding the provision of special education and related services. During this meeting, participants will review a proposed model for the new PEA Determinations. The agenda will include an overview of the components, the scoring model, relevant examples, and a timeline outlining the implementation of the new PEA determination model. The presentation may be found here.
Academic Achievement and Inclusive Practices Information: The ADE/ESS Academic Achievement & Inclusive Practices (AA&IP) unit will provide an overview of targeted resources, professional learning, and technical assistance available to districts, schools, and parents. The AA&IP team serves the educational landscape by increasing the knowledge and skills of professionals serving students with disabilities so that students are provided a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) to achieve academic and functional outcomes and maximize their potential. The presentation may be found here.
The IDEA requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the November Special Education Professionals Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other professionals if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Indicators 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,8 and 14
- Indicators 1 and 2 provide information on how many students with disabilities graduated with a diploma or dropped out of secondary school.
- Indicator 5 identifies the locations where students with disabilities (ages 6–21) are receiving their special education services.
- Indicator 6 identifies the location where students with disabilities (ages 3–5) are receiving their special education services.
- Indicator 7 measures improvements in preschool students with disabilities. We will be taking a survey to gather feedback on future targets.
- Indicator 8 surveys the parents of special needs children to gauge how well the school is involving parents in decisions regarding their child’s special education services.
- Indicator 14 provides information on the engagement of students with disabilities one year after the student leaves high school.
The presentation materials for the December Check-In may be found here.
The November Professionals Check-In, where ADE/ESS will provide information about two topics: 1) the recently revised Arizona State Board rule regarding secondary transition services and 2) the newly revised federal primary need indicator reporting in AzEDS. Join ADE staff to discuss critical implementation steps at the state and local levels.
The presentation materials for the Transition Services change may be found here.
The presentation materials for the Revised Federal Primary Need Indicator may be found here.
Exceptional Student Services (ESS) has revised how federal primary need indicator reporting works in AzEDS to align with federal guidance on special education data disability reporting. Please read the attached memo for details.
This month's Check-In will be presented by ADE/ESS Program Support & Monitoring, who will discuss programmatic monitoring data trends. Trend data presented will compare the first cohort of public education agencies (PEAs) monitored under the current programmatic monitoring system, 2018, to those same PEAs' programmatic monitoring data in 2024. Data trends for programmatic monitoring from the last school year will also be discussed. A discussion of programmatic monitoring resources created to support the field associated with the data trends will also be provided. The presentation may be found here.
This month's Check-In will discuss dual-labeled students (those eligible for English Learner [EL] and special education services) and address commonly asked questions. Presenters from ADE Exceptional Student Services (ESS) and the Office of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) will also provide technical assistance about how public education agencies can plan EL services for students along the LRE continuum, outline which providers are eligible to teach dual-labeled students and describe how IEP teams can incorporate language needs into the IEP. Sample scenarios for services will be presented and discussed. Compliance considerations for EL and special education will also be included. The presentation may be found here.
This month’s Check-In will address 2 topics:
Topic 1 - Parent Survey
The Parent Involvement Survey is open March 1 through May 31, 2024. All school districts and charter schools are required to administer the nine-question State Performance Plan annually, Indicator 8: Parent Involvement Survey, to all parents of students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The ESS Parent Survey application is accessed via ADE Connect.
Topic 2 - Surrogate Parent
Parents play an integral role in the special education process. When a parent is not available to participate in this process, the IDEA has procedures in place to ensure a child’s rights are represented. These procedures involve the federal initiative known as the Surrogate Parent Program. Exactly when is a surrogate parent needed? Who can and can’t serve as a surrogate parent? What is the application process for requesting a surrogate appointment? This presentation will help PEA staff cultivate an understanding of the Surrogate Parent Program so that they may both serve Arizona’s most fragile population and comply with federal law.
Presentation materials can be found here.
Updates for Teach Camp can be found here.
This month’s Check-In will address 2 topics:
Topic 1 (Presentation here)
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes and other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Special Education Professional Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on our state's direction to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Indicators 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13
- Indicator 4: Indicator 4 looks at incidents of discipline in excess of 10 days among students with disabilities across different races/ethnicities.
- Indicators 9 and 10: Indicator 9 compares the races/ethnicities of students with disabilities to the races/ethnicities of students without disabilities in a school district. Indicator 10 is similar but looks at the disability category of students.
- Indicator 11: Indicator 11 measures the percentage of students who received an initial evaluation for special education within 60 days of a parent giving consent.
- Indicator 12: Indicator 12 looks at children (ages 0–2) who may qualify for special education services. Indicator 12 measures the percentage of students who have a formal plan ready by their third birthday if they qualify.
- Indicator 13: Indicator 13 calculates the percentage of students with disabilities (ages 16+) with certain components in their educational plan. Their plan must include appropriate goals, transition information, services, and courses.
Topic 2 (Presentation here)
The second topic of this month’s Check-In is ESS Proportionate Share Obligations & Equitable Services. Arizona public school districts are required to count parentally placed private school students and report the number of eligible special education students attending non-profit private schools and homeschools within the district boundaries. These counts are used to determine the Proportionate Share Obligations for equitable services under the IDEA. ESS Program Management will discuss the calculation for the fiscal year 2025 proportionate share obligations and give districts an opportunity to review data for the upcoming grant cycle.
This month’s Check-In will address 2 topics:
Topic 1
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Special Education Professional Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
Indicators 8, 15, 16, and 17
- Indicator 8: Indicator 8 surveys the parents of special needs children. The purpose of the survey is to gauge how well the school is involving parents in decisions regarding their child’s special education services.
- Indicators 15 and 16: Indicators 15 and 16 measure the percent of problems that are solved through mediation or resolution sessions.
- Indicator 17: Indicator 17 includes a multi-year plan called the SSIP. This plan is designed to improve results for students with disabilities. In Arizona, the goal is to improve literacy achievement in grades 3 through 5.
Data Presentation: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Indicators 8, 15, and 16 Presentation Materials
Indicator 17 Presentation Materials
Topic 2
The second topic of this month’s Check-In is an ESS Fiscal Update. Please extend this invitation to your Business Managers, as ESS will present updates for the Fiscal Year 2025 IDEA funding applications, review available funding opportunities for Fiscal Year 2024, and provide an overview of the upcoming MOE Compliance testing window.
The IDEA Maintenance of Fiscal Effort for Public Education Agencies (PEAs) testing window for Compliance begins on March 1, 2024. During the Check-In, ADE/ESS will review the general requirements from the IDEA regulations, what financial information is crucial for the submission, and where PEAs can access their information. Additionally, ESS will recommend when PEAs should complete certain activities related to meeting special education Maintenance of Effort (MOE). Join us as we also review statewide financial data and relevant funding sources when trying to meet Maintenance of Effort for the IDEA.
IDEA Maintenance of Fiscal Effort Presentation
This month’s Check-In will address two topics:
The first is a presentation on the most recent progress on the special education data that are collected from public education agencies and reported to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP). This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities. Participants will also be shown how to access the public comment page. Specific information about the data that will be covered is outlined below:
Data Presentation: The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements. The presentation may be found here.
Indicators 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, and 14
- Indicators 1 and 2 provide information on how many students with disabilities graduated with a diploma or dropped out of secondary school.
- Indicator 3 calculates the number of students with disabilities who completed the statewide achievement test and gives information regarding their results.
- Indicator 5 identifies the locations where students with disabilities (ages 6–21) are receiving their special education services.
- Indicator 6 identifies the location where students with disabilities (ages 3–5) are receiving their special education services.
- Indicator 7 measures improvements in preschool students with disabilities.
- Indicator 14 provides information on the engagement of students with disabilities one year after the student leaves high school.
The second topic is a presentation by the ADE Assistive Technology Team for a brief overview of Bookshare, a free accessible online library for individuals with print disabilities. The presentation may be found here.
This month’s Check-In will address two topics:
The first is a presentation by Heather Dunphy, Lead SPP/APR Specialist at ADE/ESS, that will provide participants a better understanding of how the indicators in the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) fit together. Whether you enjoy seeing the big picture and the interrelationships between the components of a system or are more of a detail-oriented thinker, please join us to view a timeline of a hypothetical child named Miguel as he progresses through the 17 indicators in the SPP/APR. The story of Miguel can help special education professionals mentally organize how the indicators are connected and identify areas where they play a critical role during various stages of a child's educational career. Presentation material may be found here.
The second is a presentation by Program Support & Monitoring specialists at ADE/ESS focusing on special education monitoring trends from the 2022–2023 school year. Presenters will review statewide monitoring data trends. A discussion of newly added programmatic monitoring resources created to support the field will also be provided. Presentation materials may be found here.
This month’s Check-In will address two topics:
The first is a presentation by Audra Ahumada, Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment at ADE, that will highlight the Alt English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt ELPA) background, Arizona's participation in the field test/operational assessment in 2022-2023, and the approval of the Alt ELPA Cut Scores. The presentation materials may be found here.
The second is a presentation by ESS staff about a new discipline calculation methodology that will impact public education agencies (PEAs). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires PEAs to report the number of days students with IEPs are removed from the general education setting for disciplinary reasons. The State uses this data to determine if a PEA has a significant discrepancy in the rate of suspensions and expulsions greater than 10 days in a school year for children with disabilities. The number of PEAs found to have a significant discrepancy is reported in Indicator 4 of the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). At this Check-In, a new methodology for Indicator 4 will be proposed. The reason for the change, as well as its impact on PEAs, will be discussed. The presentation materials may be found here.
This month’s Check-In covered two topics:
The ESS Secondary Transition team will provide an update regarding Arizona's Post School Outcomes (PSO) Survey, which is due Saturday, September 30, 2023. The PSO Survey is utilized annually by PEAs to collect federally mandated information on the postsecondary experiences of eligible former students. The presentation is found here.
Preschool Outcomes data is being reported by schools throughout the state through the AZEDS data system. The guidance that is available, a quick overview of the process, and several use case scenarios will be presented along with an invitation to participate in a statewide training on the next steps in supporting children's progress toward meeting age expectations. The presentation can be found here.
This month’s Special Education Professional’s Check-In topic will address an upcoming flexibility regarding preschool disability data reporting. It will briefly discuss deployment dates, timelines, and implementation for this current school year. The main presentation will be an ESS Fiscal Updated for federal grants. Please share this presentation with your Business Managers, as ESS will present updates for the Fiscal Year 2024 IDEA funding applications, review available High-Cost Child funding opportunities for Fiscal Year 2023, and provide an overview of the upcoming GM Completion Report season. The ARP-IDEA funding cycle ends on September 30, and ESS Program Management wants to ensure that PEAs maximize their funding opportunities in the grant. Finally, we will cover where to find Maintenance of Effort Compliance standards to ensure that PEAs accurately report state-level expenditures on the 2023 Annual Financial Reports.
This month’s Special Education Professional’s Check-In topic is “IDEA and ESA Evaluations,” which will review ADE/ESS guidance highlighting the differences between evaluations specified in federal and state special education regulations and ESA evaluations outlined in state regulations.
The IDEA and ESA Evaluations Hot Topic/Guidance Memo
This month’s Special Education Professional’s Check-In topic is “The State Systemic Improvement Plan (SSIP),” which will present the progress of learning communities in SSIP cohorts, looking at the connection between improving systems based on evidence-based practices and student outcomes on literacy screeners. The presentation will also share survey results showing the progress in collaboration between special and general education learning communities over the past year. Presentation for June 2023
At this month’s check-in, the Arizona Department of Education’s Assessment Unit will provide valuable Assessment Updates, including completed tests, reporting timelines, accommodations submissions, and school and parent resources for statewide assessment.
In addition, participants in the Professionals' Check-In will receive an overview of the Arizona Professional Learning Series AZPLS, including the what and how of the AZPLS systems and modules. The AZPLS is designed to enhance schoolwide inclusionary practices, increase literacy outcomes for students with disabilities, and impact the success of all students.
There will also be a short update on the annual IDEA Conference.
Participants attending the Professionals Check-In will hear the most recent progress on Indicator 3 in the SPP/APR, assessment data. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities. April 2023 presentation materials
Professional Learning and Sustainability Updates
The topic of this month’s Special Education Check-In is Preschool Outcomes Data. Participants attending the Check-In will gain information about the process for collecting and reporting preschool outcomes data for children with disabilities beginning in school year 2023 – 2024. Experts from ESS/Early Childhood Special Education and ESS/Operations will provide a high-level overview of the Child Outcomes Summary (COS) process and reporting expectations in AzEDS. This Check-in would be especially useful for district special education preschool coordinators and administrative staff, so please feel free to invite them to this webinar!
The topic of this month’s Special Education Director Check-In is ESS Fiscal Update. Please extend this invitation to your Business Managers, as ESS will present updates for the Fiscal Year 2024 IDEA funding applications, review available funding opportunities for Fiscal Year 2023, and provide an overview of the upcoming MOE Compliance testing window.
The IDEA Maintenance of Fiscal Effort for Public Education Agencies (PEAs) testing window for Compliance begins on March 1, 2023. During the Check-In, ADE/ESS will review the general requirements from the IDEA regulations, what financial information is crucial for the submission, and where PEAs can access their information. Additionally, ESS will recommend when PEAs should complete certain activities related to meeting special education Maintenance of Effort (MOE). Join us as we also review statewide financial data and relevant funding sources when trying to meet Maintenance of Effort for the IDEA.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State’s efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators and be shown how to access the public comment page. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education professionals if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
January 2023 Presentation of the State Systemic Improvement Plan
January 2023 Presentation of the Annual Performance Report Indicators
Indicators 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 16, and 17
- Indicators 1 and 2 provide information on how many students with disabilities graduated with a diploma or dropped out of secondary school.
- Indicator 7 measures improvements in preschool students with disabilities.
- Indicator 14 provides information on the engagement of students with disabilities one year after the student leaves high school.
- Indicators 15 and 16 measure the percent of hearings or mediations that are resolved through agreements.
- Indicator 17 includes a multi-year plan called the SSIP (State Systemic Improvement Plan) that is designed to improve literacy achievement results for students with disabilities.
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires states to develop a State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR). This report includes indicators that evaluate the State's efforts to implement the requirements of IDEA and describes how the state will improve its special education programs. These indicators measure child and family outcomes as well as other indicators that measure compliance with IDEA requirements.
Participants attending the Director Check-In will hear the most recent progress on the SPP/APR indicators and be shown how to access the public comment page. This event is an opportunity for ADE to hear from special education directors and other educators if they have feedback on the direction our state takes to improve outcomes for children with disabilities.
December 2022 presentation materials
The 2022 Post School Outcomes (PSO) data collection season has officially come to a close. The PSO Survey is a year-round process of gathering and analyzing data about the post-school engagement of students with disabilities in postsecondary education/training or employment. Join the ESS/Secondary Transition team as they review and discuss this year's PSO data for Arizona. Click here for the Post School Outcomes Presentation Materials.
You may find the ESS Recruitment and Retention Updates and ESS Supports and Resources here.
During this month's Special Education Director Check-In, ESS/Special Projects will focus on enhanced Indicator 8 Parent Involvement Survey reporting features. The new demographic tracking tool has been designed to improve representation and increase overall participation. Participants will learn strategies to strengthen family engagement for improved student outcomes. Join this discussion to jump-start your plan to achieve the new Indicator 8 measurement APR target. Click here to download the presentation materials.
During this month's Special Education Director Check-In, ADE/Alternate Assessment will be providing a critical Alternative Assessment update. The Alternate Assessment team has received many questions recently and this is your opportunity to hear the most current assessment information, as well as ask questions relevant to your public education agency. Click here to download the presentation materials.
During this month’s Special Education Director Check-In, ESS/Dispute Resolution will be sharing a brief review of the numbers from the different dispute resolution options, a comparison to the previous year’s numbers, and trend data related to the top 3 issues. Additionally, to help start the school year off positively and avoid more adversarial dispute options, Dispute Resolution will provide participants with information regarding Arizona’s Facilitated IEP option, including training opportunities, facilitation requests, and positive benefits/outcomes of FIEP. We hope you are able to join us to help start off the school year on the right foot!
The PowerPoint from today's presentation can be found here.
The topic of this month's Special Education Director Check-In is IDEA Maintenance of Fiscal Effort for Public Education Agencies (PEAs). ADE/ESS will review the general requirements, what financial information is crucial for the submission, and where PEAs can go to access their information. Additionally, ESS will provide recommendations on when PEAs should complete certain activities related to meeting special education Maintenance of Effort (MOE). Join us as we also review statewide financial data and relevant funding sources when trying to meet Maintenance of Effort for the IDEA.
The PowerPoint from today's presentation can be found here.
This week’s Director Check-In topic will focus on special education monitoring trends for the 2021—2022 school year, as well as early childhood special education transition data trends. ADE/ESS presenters will review statewide monitoring data gains and areas of concern. Early childhood special education transition data provided will show the trends for the last few years as well as common areas of concern where the state is not meeting the 100% target.
This month's Check-In will be presented by ADE/ESS and our partners from Arizona's Community of Practice on Transition (AZCoPT). We are excited to share the work of the AZCoPT, which includes a brand new technical assistance document, Navigating Life Transitions: Arizona's Transition Resource Guide.
The AZCoPT is comprised of statewide partners who have a vested interest in improving the lives of students experiencing secondary transition. The Check-in presentation will be provided by Harrison Verma, AZCoPT's young adult advisor; Susan Voirol, from Diverse Ability Incorporated, Betty Schoen, from Vocational Rehabilitation, and Ana Nunez, from ADE/ESS.
The PowerPoint from today's presentation can be found here.
Updates from our PLS Team can be found here.
Updates from our IDEA Conference can be found here.
This month’s Check-In will provide an update from ADE Assessment titled, Assessment Updates: Accommodations and Testing Considerations/Eligibility. You won’t want to miss Audra Ahumada, Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment, talking about lessons learned from this year’s testing experiences!
The PowerPoint from today's presentation can be found here.
This month’s Check-In will consist of a public hearing geared primarily toward education professionals that will outline the proposed Early Childhood Special Education Transition Policy and Procedures developed by ADE/ESS, with support from the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
As part of the public participation process set forth in the IDEA Part B regulations at 34 CFR § 300.165 and in section 441(b)(7) of the General Education Provisions Act (GEPA) (20 U.S.C. 123d(b)(7)), the State must publish its proposed policies and procedures related to IDEA Part B, conduct a public hearing, and make provision for public comment.
The PowerPoint from today's presentation can be found here.
This month’s Check-In will provide an update from the ESS Program Management team to include the following:
- IDEA and ARP-IDEA grant updates
- High-Cost Child and Extraordinary Special Education Needs Fund Claims
- IDEA Maintenance of Effort
- MOE reduction for FY2022
- MOE Compliance Test for 2021 Annual Financial Reports
This month’s Check-In will include the following topics presented by ADE Exceptional Student Services and ADE Unique Populations staff: Students in Foster Care Receiving Special Education and Certificate of Educational Convenience (CEC) Update. ADE has been working diligently to develop clear guidance for these highly requested topics.
AZ-TAS Documents:
Students in Foster Care Receiving Special Education
Certificate of Educational Convenience
Assessment Updates: Assessment Friday Focus Webinar on Accessibility, accessibility manuals, and the process for requesting accommodations from Audra Ahumada, ADE Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment.
My Future AZ: ADE’s New Career Exploration & ECAP Platform. My Future AZ is our new career exploration and graduation planning tool that will be utilized to support ECAP and secondary transition and will be presented by Amanda Nolasco, ADE School Counselor Specialist.
This month's Check-In will provide an update on Dual Labeled Students (English Learners and Students with Disabilities) and will include partners from ADE/Unique Populations.
Update to Ancillary Services Reporting & Funding from Chris Brown, ESS Director of Operations
Assessment Updates: Assessment’s Friday Focus Webinars, Infographics, Newsletter, and AZELLA Domain Scoring Update from Audra Ahumada, ADE Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment.
FY 2022 American Rescue Plan (ARP) IDEA Funds Information
The ESS Program Management team has shared information regarding the supplemental ARP IDEA funds that will be available to PEAs in Fiscal Year 2022, including resources, funding uses, and impact on a PEA’s ability to reduce state and local expenditures using the Allowable Adjustment to Local Fiscal Efforts under the IDEA Maintenance of Effort.
Indicator 8 Parent Involvement Survey Update. Regarding the Indicator 8 topic, the results are in! Record parent participation indicates families and school staff are working together to improve special education services and outcomes for students with disabilities. The ESS Family Engagement Specialist has shared strategies directors used to significantly boost participation.
This month’s topic is Demystifying ESS Programmatic Monitoring, a collaborative presentation between ADE/ESS and the Arizona Association of School Psychologists (AASP). Together, ESS Program Support and Monitoring and AASP will provide clarification on some commonly misunderstood evaluation topics and share some tricks of the trade. This content will include specifics on evaluation content and methodology.
This month’s webinar is packed with content from a number of presenters and the topics include:
- Medicaid School-Based Claiming Transformation (with AHCCCS)
- Special Education Enrollment Scenario Resource (with Chris Brown, ESS Operations)
- ESS Recruitment & Retention Update (with ESS PLS)
This month’s topic is Students with Disabilities, Graduation, and a FAPE, and will review graduation considerations for students with disabilities. Get the information you need to communicate with parents, students, and staff regarding high school graduation and planning for success.
This month’s topic is Important Updates to the Early Childhood Transition Policy & Procedures and includes updates to policies and procedures from AzEIP and ADE/ESS resulting from a recent Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) monitoring. Presenters from both AzEIP and ADE/ESS will provide information about general supervision, monitoring, and data reporting, and there will be time for Q&A related to the presentation.
This month’s topic is Mid-Year Special Education & Assessment News and will be presented by a number of ADE staff on the following topics: Parent Involvement and Teacher Attrition Survey Information, Recruitment and Retention Updates, Compensatory Services Funding Check-Up, and Assessment Updates.
- Indicator 8 Parent Involvement Survey
- ESS Recruitment and Retention Updates
- Assessment Updates
- Compensatory Services Update
November 19, 2020
This week’s topics include:
IDEA Programmatic Monitoring: “Why Does ADE/ESS Monitor PEAs?” – our presentation this week has been tailored to address questions received during COVID-19 implementation.
Legal Updates: Presented by our Chief of Dispute Resolutions
Recruitment and Retention Updates
October 15, 2020
This week’s topic is Assessment Updates, which will be presented by Audra Ahumada, ADE’s Deputy Associate Superintendent of Assessment. The ADE Assessment Unit provides an overview of Assessments for the 2020 School Year and beyond, including recent decisions from the State Board and Spring 2020 Test Administration Plans.
September 17, 2020
This week's topic is “MacGyvering” Educational Evaluations During and After the Closures, a presentation from the Arizona Association of School Psychologists.
August 20, 2020
This week’s topic is Detecting Child Abuse and Neglect in a Virtual Learning Environment, which will be presented by our colleagues at the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS). These are highly unusual times and stressors on the family are great. A DCS investigation can be yet another added stressor on a family. As such, it is important that educators know their role as mandated reporters and know when and when not to report child abuse and neglect. Please join ADE and DCS for critical information about this important topic.
Presentation from Arizona Department of Child Safety
August 6, 2020
This week’s topic is School Reentry Updates. This is an overview of the recently issued Hot Topic and Question & Answer companion document, highlight Q & As, and an introduction to the ADE Compensatory Educational Services Claim System.
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar
July 23, 2020
This week’s topic is Critical Updates for School Reentry, which will include an overview of recently issued Hot Topics (ESY/Comp Ed Services, Electronic Signatures, and more), Virtual Learning Tools & Considerations, Discussion of Homebound vs. Home Placement, and Data Reporting in a Virtual Environment.
Presentations and Supporting Tools/Documents:
July 09, 2020
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar This week’s topic is Programmatic Monitoring Part II SY 2020—2021 with an overview of monitoring changes for this upcoming school year including: OSEP guidance, due dates, and COVID-19 considerations.
June 25, 2020
This week’s topic is Progress Monitoring and Compensatory Education, the presentation will include progress monitoring resources and a discussion regarding ways to provide compensatory educational services to students who may need them.
- Progress Monitoring Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar
- Compensatory Education Presentation from Special Education COVID-19 Check-In Webinar (coming soon)
June 11, 2020
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar This week’s topic is IDEA Programmatic Monitoring (Part 1) with an overview of what the IDEA requires for programmatic monitoring and how ESS has designed its system to meet IDEA requirements and to ensure FAPE for students with disabilities is provided at the PEA level. This week’s topic is IDEA Programmatic Monitoring (Part 1) with an overview of what the IDEA requires for programmatic monitoring and how ESS has designed its system to meet IDEA requirements and to ensure FAPE for students with disabilities is provided at the PEA level.
May 28, 2020
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar This week’s topic is an IDEA fiscal update and will include information related to the IDEA grant, funding from the CARES Act, Maintenance of Effort (MOE), and more.
May 14, 2020
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar includes information about Extended School Year (ESY) and will introduce a revised ESY Arizona Technical Assistance and Support (AzTAS) document from ADE/ESS.
May 7, 2020
April 23, 2020
This presentation from Raising Special Kids, Arizona’s Parent Training and Information (PTI) operating under Part D of IDEA sec. 671, articulates positive practices regarding communication with parents and families of students with disabilities during school closure. It also highlights resources and supports available to families through Raising Special Kids and other agencies.
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar with Raising Special Kids, April 23, 2020
April 9, 2020
Dispute Resolution presents - How to Leverage the Principles of Facilitated IEP (FIEP) to Conduct Virtual IEP Meetings. Learn the three core components necessary to facilitate a successful virtual IEP meeting: the IEP process under the IDEA which allows for alternatives to in-person meetings; standardized meeting procedures and tips to ensure the meeting runs smoothly in a virtual format; and meeting management skills that aid in minimizing conflict and maximizing collaboration. This presentation will help your district ensure that collaborative, student-focused IEP teams are equipped to make sound decisions in the development of Individualized Education Programs that offer children with disabilities a free appropriate public education whether in person IEP meeting or virtual platform IEP.
April 2, 2020
This presentation provides an overview of new and trending questions and answers, as well as updates from the ESS COVID-19 webpage.
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar, April 2, 2020
March 26, 2020
This presentation outlines federal guidance from the OSEP, OCR, and OSERS related to the implementation of the IDEA during school closure, provides general tips for implementation at PEAs, and provides ESS resources.
Presentation from Special Education Check-In Webinar, March 26, 2020
For questions or comments regarding special education school reentry or content provided on this webpage.
Page revised July 27, 2023