Welcome to School Safety & Social Wellness Programs
Supporting the Emotional, Mental and Physical Health and Safety of Arizona Students
Professional Learning Opportunities
PREPaRE Workshop 1: February 25, 2025 (Phoenix, AZ)
SafeTALK Suicide Prevention Training: September 26, 2024 (Phoenix, AZ)
SafeTALK is a four hour face-to-face workshop featuring powerful presentations, audiovisuals, and skills practice. At this workshop, you'll learn how to prevent suicide by recognizing signs, engaging someone, and connecting them to an intervention resource for further support.
Child Abuse/Neglect Mandatory Reporting and ToT: Various Dates (Virtual)
The Arizona Department of Education offers free training through Childhelp for Mandatory Reporting. At these Mandatory Reporting trainings, we will discuss advocacy centers, signs of child abuse and neglect, mandatory reporter statutes, the Arizona Multidisciplinary Protocol for the Investigation of Child Abuse, and contact information for law enforcement and the Department of Child Safety.
Substance Use Trends and Prevention (October 24, 2022 Webinar Recording)
Through this free webinar and 30-minute Q and A session, you will have the opportunity to learn more about relevant statistics related to youth substance use in Arizona, how to recognize the signs and symptoms, and prevention practices that effectively mitigate risks associated with youth substance use and promote protective factors among youth.
A Holistic Approach to Family-School Partnerships (March 9, 2023 Webinar Recording)
Arizona Department of Education invites you to a free discussion on family engagement hosted by the Arizona State University REACH Institute. Research overwhelmingly demonstrates that involving families in educational partnerships is essential to student success.
View Recording (Passcode: ^=0H0adj)
Featuring our Amazing School Nurse Heroes
Nikki Stefan
"I’m inspired when the school community learns and achieves positive health and education outcomes. School nurses are a healthcare team of professionals that work together to support the health of students so they can learn and thrive in schools."
To Arizona's School Nurses... Thank You!
Arizona Thanks A School Nurse Campaign Video