JOM Training Video Series
Purpose of Video Series
Provide short, self-paced videos created by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Office of Indian Education (OIE) about the Johnson O'Malley (JOM) program. These videos will allow individuals to explore all aspects of JOM.
Potential Uses of videos:
- Onboarding for various personnel working with JOM programs
- Show during trainings and meetings for Indian Education Committee (IEC) members
- Native American Education Programs can share videos with leaders and staff at schools in which they work to raise awareness and understanding of JOM Program
Under each video you will find:
- a list of symbols that indicate who the video is most relevant to
- a list of references mentioned in the video
- a list of videos with related information
Audience symbols key
Parents & Caregivers | Administrators | Business Office | Native American Education Programs |
Video Library
What is JOM?
Bureau of Indian Affairs, U.S. Department of the Interior.
Eligibility (coming soon)
History, Background, and Regulation (coming soon)
ADE JOM Grant Receipts (coming soon)
Annual Student Count (coming soon)
Indian Education Committee
Title 24, Chapter 1, Subchapter M, Part 273 Code of Federal Regulations
Navigating the JOM Regulation (Coming Soon)
JOM Eligibility (Coming Soon)
Parent Engagement (Coming Soon)