- All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement A detailed yet wide-ranging look at the current state of civic education, informed voting, and political engagement of the nation’s youth.
- Arizona Civic Health Index 2011 The Civic Health Index is the leading gauge of how Americans participate in civic life, how they connect to one another and to their communities. This provides information about the civic health of Arizona and how our state compares to the nation.
- Civic Health and Unemployment This is a 2011 issue brief that answers the question, “Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy?”
- Civic Learning and Engagement in Democracy: A Road Map and Call to Action This report outlines nine steps the Department of Education will take to advance civic learning across American education. Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools This report provides research-based evidence of the decline in civic learning in American schools and presents six proven practices that should be at the heart of every school’s approach to civic learning.
- Service-Learning After Learn and Serve America: How Five States Are Moving Forward This paper is a part of NCLC’s Every Student a Citizen project.
- Six Proven Practices in Civic Learning These are the six proven practices recommended by The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, that, together, constitute well-rounded civic learning.
- The New Civics This issue of The Progress of Education Reform provides a close look at the new civics—how it differs from previous practices, what it includes, how it is supported by research and its implications for policy.
- Youth Civic Development and Education Seven distinguished speakers, who have been leaders in the scholarship, practice, and policy of civic education, present their views on what is needed to promote civic development among today’s youth.
- Civic Education Policy Change: Case Studies of Florida, Tennessee and Hawaii This paper describes case studies of three states that have recently examined their civic education policies. The goal of this document is to inform other states’ policymakers and advocates as they consider K-12 civic education policies.-
- Civic Education: Testing and Accountability Models The two states’ approaches to accountability in civic education are very different. This paper provides a brief overview of the diverse methods – Tennessee is using project-based exams while Florida is administering tests worth nearly a third of a student’s course grade. State leaders say both approaches are intended to emphasize the importance of civic knowledge.
- Reimagining Citizenship for the 21st Century This guide from Partnership for 21st Century Skills examines the ways in which Americans, as citizens, engage in their communities, their country and the world are changing and expanding. The challenges of being a responsible, effective citizen are more diverse, nuanced and complex than in the past. Sustaining our democracy, strengthening economic competitiveness and meet local, state, national and global challenges demands a broader vision of citizenship for the 21st century.