Resources: World and Native Languages
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World and Native Language Resources
Instructional Resources
We encourage educators to head to the Arizona Digital Educators Library (ADEL) to find more resources and to use the Lesson Plan Companion to build lessons using our AI generator and the standards.
ADE does not endorse or support any particular resource or curriculum. We are only providing options that local education agencies may choose and select from when making the best decisions for their students.
ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines - (Updated 2024) This document describes the five major levels of proficiency: Distinguished, Superior, Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice. It supports our standards which are based on these same proficiency levels. The guidelines describe the tasks speakers can handle at each level and there are many samples included to illustrate each level.
ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners - This resource supports the Arizona World and Native Language Standards by providing guidance for instruction and lesson design. By focusing on what performance should look like at the end of the unit, these descriptors provide a good starting point for backward design and instructional planning. Unique applications for Classical Languages and ASL are included.
NCSSFL-ACTFL Can-Do Statements - The Can-Do statements are a self- assessment checklist used by language learners to assess what they can do with language in the Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational modes of communication. These can be used by teachers and students alike for formative assessment, summative assessment, goal setting, and providing evidence of mastery.
Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning Framework (TELL) - The TELL Project is focused on enhancing the effectiveness of world language teachers by focusing on seven domains that reflect the crucial characteristics of an effective teacher. Each domain is guided by essential questions educators might ask themselves in their own growth process. The site includes tools and resources to support the professional growth of world language teachers.
ACTFL Performance Descriptors for Language Learners - This resource supports the Arizona World and Native Language Standards by providing guidance for instruction and lesson design. By focusing on what performance should look like at the end of the unit, these descriptors provide a good starting point for backward design and instructional planning. Unique applications for Classical Languages and ASL are included.
ACTFL's Guiding Principles in Languages Learning - This site offers guidelines on skill development, backward design, authentic texts, facilitated language learning, teaching grammar in context, providing positive feedback and much more.
LRC – Language Resource Centers - Established in 1990 by the Department of Education, LRC’s were created to respond to the growing need for expertise and competence in world languages. There are 15 LRC’s across the United States, led by nationally and internationally recognized language professionals. LRC’s create language learning and teaching materials, offer professional development opportunities and conduct research on language learning. This is a national network of resources, the majority free, for teachers. Each of the 15 centers offer their own resources and trainings.
Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language & Literacy – (CERCLL) - Our very own language resource center here in Arizona. A plethora of great teaching materials and professional development opportunities are available. Check out their blog which has great lesson plans utilizing the new standards.
Ohio Department of Education - Backward Design - This site takes you step-by-step through using Backward Design to use in your classroom.
Teacher and Classroom Resources: Bridging Documents - The three WLES K-12 Bridging documents are designed as guides to help teachers and administrators create a strong K-12 sequence locally for the program(s) being offered.
- Rubrics for World Languages - Ohio Department of Education has a number of readily made rubrics you can use and adapt
- Center for Applied Linguistics - Understanding Assessment Tutorial - This tutorial introduces key assessment concepts while guiding educators though the test selection process, and it covers a variety of topics, including how to use test results appropriately and efficiently. also known as the FLAD, and it is also an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn more about language testing.
Contact Information:
Please email [email protected] to be directed to the World and Native Languages Team.