Standards: Computer Science
Arizona Computer Science Standards
(Approved: October 22, 2018)
Computer Science Mailing List Computer Science Professional Development
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Look for the word CASE next to each of our Word and PDF files. The Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange is the framework that allows for the navigation and integration of Arizona Academic Standards.
What is Computer Science and how is it different from Digital Literacy?
Arizona Computer Science Vision Statement
Arizona’s K-12 students will develop a foundation of computer science knowledge and learn new approaches to problem-solving and critical thinking. Students will become innovative, collaborative creators and ethical, responsible users of computing technology to ensure they have the knowledge and skills to productively participate in a global society. For a better understanding of the design of this standard and guidance on implementing this standard, download the complete Word or PDF document and refer to the Introduction pages.
Arizona Computer Science Standards
Computer Systems K-HS | Networking K-HS | Data K-HS | Algorithms K-HS | Impacts K-HS |
Generative AI and Computer Science Education
AI Guidance for Arizona Schools - This guidance document, created by the Arizona Institute for Education and the Economy and Northern Arizona University, is designed to give Arizona schools and school systems direction as well as a common language as leaders and educators collectively pursue effective and responsible implementation of Gen AI.
Arizona AI Alliance - The AZ AI Alliance is a collective of education organizations that are committed to the responsible, ethical, and effective implementation of AI in Arizona’s K-12 schools.
AI4Learning - AI4Learning is the public-facing site of the AI in Education work done by the Agua Fria UHSD in Avondale AZ.
TeachAI - AI Guidance for Schools Toolkit - Designed collaboratively by, ISTE, Khan Academy, and ETS, this toolkit serves as a support for education authorities, school leaders, and teachers to navigate the benefits of incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) in education, while recognizing and mitigating the potential drawbacks and risks.
CoSN/Council for Great City Schools (CGCS) K-12 Gen AI Maturity Tool - This innovative tool supports schools in assessing their readiness for the responsible integration of Generative AI technologies to support both instructional and operational goals and initiatives.'s AI 101 Video Series for Teachers's How AI Works Videos and Lesson Resources
Common Sense Education's AI Literacy Lessons for Grades 6-12
AI-4-All Open Learning Curriculum for Grades 9-12
**The views and opinions expressed in any third-party resource do not necessarily reflect those of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and do not imply an endorsement by ADE.