Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAE)
An SAE is a practical application of classroom concepts designed to develop skills in agricultural-related career areas and provide real-work experiences. An SAE program consists of planned activities conducted outside of class time and are designed to gain hands-on experience and develop skills in agricultural career areas that interest the student.
SAE rewards include:
- Provides an opportunity to explore careers.
- May earn money.
- Improves communication skills in a variety of situations.
- Develops management skills.
- Earns FFA Proficiency Awards and advanced FFA degrees.
Types of SAEs:
- Exploratory. Experiencing the big picture of agriculture and its many related careers. This type of program is great for beginning students and those who are uncertain about their interests.
- Research/Experimentation. An SAE where the student conducts research using the scientific process. Agriculture is a science-based industry and there are limitless opportunities for research-based SAEs.
- Placement/Internship. Work either for pay or for the experience. These SAEs may be in agribusinesses, school labs, farms and ranches, or in community facilities.
- Ownership/Entrepreneurship. This SAE makes the student a business owner. The student plans and operates an agriculturally related enterprise or business. Examples include producing and marketing livestock, crops, nursery plants or forest products, providing a service such as lawn care, processing agricultural products, repair, design, or fabricating agriculturally related equipment.
Some additional requirements to the SAE include:
- Supplementary Activities. A specific skill learned outside of normal class time that contributes to the agriculture skills and knowledge obtained by the student.
- Improvement Activities. A series of learning activities that improve the efficiency, value, use, or appearance of the place of employment, home, school, or community.
Reference: National FFA Organization, Supervised Agricultural Experiences -