Career and Technical Education District - CTED
Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
- 2025-2026 Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
- 2024-2025 Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
- 2023-2024 Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
- 2022-2023 Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
- 2021-2022 Regional In-Demand Programs for CTED 4th Year Funding
Arizona Industry Credential Incentive Program
- Arizona Industry Credential Incentive Program: 2020 Graduates
- Arizona Industry Credential Incentive Program: 2019 Graduates
CTED Completion Grant Process
ADE Quality and Compliance Monitoring Form
- Arizona Department of Education Quality and Compliance Monitoring Form
- CTED Community College Monitoring Document - Excel ~ PDF
- Perkins V - Five Year Grant/Program Monitoring Schedule
Community College Certificate of Completion
CTE Accountability
CTE Data Portal for Career and Tecnical Education District - PowerPoint ~ PDF
Enrollment CTED Central Campus Template
For CTEDs Only: Use this template to upload course enrollment for CTEDs. Districts and charter schools should not use this template to upload any course enrollment into the CTE Data Portal.
This template requires the following data for each student enrolled in a CTE course:
- Term
- Program Number
- Course Number
- Local Course Title
- Educator's ID
- Teacher First Name
- Teacher Last Name
- Teacher Email Address
- Period
- Student Birthdate
- Credits Earned
- Student Type
- Student's School of Residence
- File Type
- CTE Technical Education District List and Map
- CAVIAT - Coconino Association for Vocations, Industry And Technology
- CAVIT - Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology
- CTD - Cochise Technology District
- CVIT - Cobre Valley Institute of Technology
- EVIT - East Valley Institute of Technology
- GIFT - Gila Institute For Technology
- MICTED - Mountain Institute CTED
- NATIVE - Northeast Arizona Technological Institute of Vocational Education
- NAVIT - Northern Arizona Vocational Institute of Technology
- Pima County JTED
- STEDY - Southwest Technology Education District of Yuma
- VACTE - Valley Academy for Career and Technology Education
- WAVE - Western Arizona Vocational Education
- West-MEC - Western Maricopa Education Centers