AZELLA Additional Accommodations Request
There are no provisions, in either state or federal law, that would allow the exemption of AZELLA testing for eligible students who are enrolled in the Special Education program and require an AZELLA test. An IEP Team, which must include an expert in second language acquisition, may NOT exempt a student from participating in AZELLA testing.
Not all accommodations are appropriate for AZELLA testing. Accommodations may not alter the construct of the assessment. The additional accommodations being requested should not include those listed under the Universal Test Administration Conditions and under the approved AZELLA Assessment Accommodations. [ - pages 30-34]. The student's IEP/504 Plan MUST have the additional accommodations being requested in this form in the regular daily instruction section of the IEP/504 Plan as well as in the State Testing section identified specifically for the AZELLA test. Accommodations included in the IEP/504 Plan for Math, ELA, Science, or just for "state testing" is not an indication for AZELLA. These additional accommodations must be listed specifically for "AZELLA" State testing.
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