The Arizona English Language Learner Assessment (AZELLA) is a standards-based assessment that meets both state and federal requirements to measure students' English language proficiency. AZELLA is used for both placement and reassessment purposes. The AZELLA is administered to eligible Kindergarten through Grade 12 students.
The AZELLA District Test Coordinator (DTC) is responsible for all the AZELLA Assessment administrations - the year-round AZELLA Placement Test and the annual Spring Reassessment Test.
This web page is dedicated to the administration, scoring, and reporting of the AZELLA tests.
AZELLA FAQsPlacement Test FAQsReassessment Test FAQs
AZELLA Calendars and AZELLAology (Virtual Office Hours)
AZELLA Test Administration Calendars
- AZELLA Test Administration Calendars for School Year 2024-2025 (Fiscal Year 2025)
- This includes the AZELLA Placement Test administration, the AZELLA Placement Cycle Calendar, and the Spring 2025 Reassessment administration.
AZELLA Placement Test Cycle Calendar for School Year 2024-2025 (Fiscal Year 2025)
AZELLA 2024-2025 Test Administration Windows
- The AZELLA Placement Test administration window opens on the district's first student academic instructional day of the school year and runs throughout the school year ending on May 9, 2025. Districts and charters may use the Arizona Department of Education's (ADE) approved 2-calendar week jump start before the first instructional day to begin AZELLA Placement testing only when the AZELLA District Test Coordinator, School Test Coordinators (STC), and Test Administrators (TA) have completed requirements for the AZELLA Placement Test administration.
- The Spring 2025 Reassessment Test administration window is January 27 - March 14, 2025.
- The Native Speaker Field Test (NFST) administration window is January 27 - March 14, 2025.
AZELLA 2025-2026 Test Administration Windows
- The AZELLA Placement Test administration window opens on the district's first student academic instructional day of the school year and runs throughout the school year ending on May 8, 2026. Districts and charters may use the Arizona Department of Education's (ADE) approved 2-calendar week jump start before the first instructional day to begin AZELLA Placement testing only when the AZELLA District Test Coordinator, School Test Coordinators (STC), and Test Administrators (TA) have completed requirements for the AZELLA Placement Test administration.
- The Spring 2025 Reassessment Test administration window is January 26 - March 13, 2026.
AZELLA Important Notices
- All Arizona districts and charters must submit the 2024-2025 District Test Coordinator Security Agreement (TSA) form to [email protected] by June 28, 2024.
- Notify the AZELLA team as soon as possible when the district has students who will require the Braille Reassessment test. ADE needs to order these tests now.
AZELLAology - AZELLA Virtual Office Hours
AZELLAology is an open invitation for our AZELLA District Test Coordinators (DTC) to attend a virtual customer service call using the Microsoft Teams application (camera is not required) where ADE's Assessment AZELLA Team answers your AZELLA questions and shares AZELLA important information, news, guidance, and mini-tutorials about a variety of AZELLA-related topics. ADE's AZELLA Team shares our live screen to coach you through different AZELLA applications, reports, systems, and other AZELLA topics. AZELLAology attendance is not a requirement, but if you see a topic that interests you, please plan to attend. AZELLAology is very informative and AZELLA DTCs have found the sessions to be valuable.
Each live video call is accessed through the Microsoft Teams application. The optional video call will be up to one hour and focused on specific AZELLA topics. We will answer individual session-specific questions during this hour. We value your time; therefore, we cannot ensure all questions will be answered within the session, but we will provide details on how to reach us if your question is not addressed during the session. These AZELLAology sessions are informal and not recorded.
All scheduled AZELLAology sessions, unless otherwise noted, begin at 8:00 am and end at 9:00 am. Your first connection to AZELLAology will take to you a web page ( for Microsoft Teams. The Microsoft Teams application can be accessed by 1) Downloading the Windows app, 2) Using Microsoft Teams through the current web browser without downloading anything, or 3) Open your desktop, phone, or tablet app from Microsoft Teams.
Click here to join the AZELLAology Session
After you click on the above button, or use the link below, before the session starts you will be placed into a waiting room until the session begins. The same link is used for all scheduled sessions.
AZELLAology Monthly Scheduled Sessions and Topics
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 8:00 am - 9:00 am
Pearson will be in attendance.
- AZELLA Placement Tests
- Next School Year
- Additional topics may be included
- Your Questions
Tuesday, May 6, 2025, at 8:00 am - 9:00 am
AZELLA Information and Guidance
AZELLA Basic Information Documents
AZELLA Placement Test Logic Flow Chart
Eligibility for the AZELLA Placement Test
AZELLA Placement Test Administration Compliance Time Frames
AZELLA Overall Proficiency Determination (with Domain Scale and Cut Scores)
AZELLA Proficiency Scale and Cut Scores (Placement Test School Year 2022-2023)
AZELLA Assessment (web page about the AZELLA)
AZELLA Sample Tests - all grades; paper and online
AzEDS Language Code Descriptors (for the HLS)
ADEConnect Account
All AZELLA District Test Coordinators are required to have an ADEConnect account, and the role of "AZELLA District Test Coordinator" must be requested.
For access to ADEConnect, you will need to contact your district/charter ADEConnect Entity Administrator and request to have the AZELLA District Test Coordinator role assigned to you. If you do not know who your ADEConnect Entity Admin is, you can contact IT Application Support at 602 542 7378 so they can verify.
There is only one (1) designated role of “AZELLA District Test Coordinator” in ADEConnect for each district. All others may have the role of “ELL” in ADEConnect.
ADEConnect Entity Administrator, please follow the instructions in the ADEConnect How To Videos and the ADEConnect Frequently Asked Questions. Here are the direct links:
Any questions related to ADEConnect accounts, please contact IT Application Support at 602 542 7378.
To find the district or charter's ADEConnect Entity Admin please follow this link:
PearsonAccess next (PAN)
PearsonAccess Next (PAN) is a secure AZELLA test management site. All AZELLA District Test Coordinators are required to have a PAN account.
AZELLA DTC PAN accounts are enabled by ADE and Pearson after all Annual and AZELLA test administration training requirements have been completed and verified by ADE.
The Pearson Placement PAN User's Guide is located inside PAN > Support > Documentation. It's the first document listed.
Pearson has provided several Quick Guides (extracted from the PAN User's Guide) on the AZELLA PAN home page under the Links section. These are step-by-step directions for completing specific tasks in PAN.
Creating a Unique 11-Digit SSID Number for Private School Students in PAN for AZELLA Testing
AZELLA Placement 2024-2025 Student Registration File Layout and Template (Excel) (this is not required)
- This is the layout and template to use when bulk registering students in PearsonAccess Next for the AZELLA Placement Test.
Quick Guide for the AZELLA Placement Student Registration File Template (PDF)
AZELLA Placement 2024-2025 PAN User File Layout and Template (Excel) to update and add new User PAN accounts (Not required)
- This is the layout and template to use when adding new users in PearsonAccess Next for the AZELLA Placement Test.
AZELLA Placement 2024-2025 Student Date File Layout (Excel .CSV) (this file does not contain any student information)
- This is the AZELLA Placement Test file that must be used with the district's Student Information System (SIS) before uploading the AZELLA Placement Student Data Files throughout the school year. This layout cannot be used for the Spring Reassessment Test.
AZELLA EL/SPED Test Administration Information
AZELLA Accommodations Manual November 2024
EL and Special Education FAQ September 2021
Special Update - ELs with Disabilities May 2019
AZELLA Guidance for Students Who are Completely Deaf and/or Blind - please contact the AZELLA Team at [email protected]
Identifying and Supporting English Learners with Disabilities 2019 Revised August 2019
AZELLA EL/SPED Accommodation Request Form
This secure request form is for one student. One (1) submission per student will cover one or both AZELLA Test administrations for the current school year for the student. Additional accommodations for AZELLA must be requested annually. Submissions from prior school years are not valid for the current school year. Students must have a current IEP or 504 Plan with accommodations for state testing and daily instruction. All requests must be submitted and approved by ADE's Assessment unit prior to administering the AZELLA test to the student. It may take up to 4 calendar weeks to complete the review process for one student submission; therefore, please submit your requests early in the school year.
As students transfer to new schools, the new district must submit the request as soon as practicable to ensure timely identification of English learners with the Placement Test and to ensure that Special Version test materials are in districts well before the closing of the Spring Reassessment test window.
AZELLA Additional Accommodations Request Form 2024-2025
- AZELLA Placement Test requests - submission deadline is August 30, 2024.
- AZELLA Spring 2025 Reassessment requests - submission deadline is December 13, 2024.
- AZELLA 2025-2026 Placement Test requests - submission deadline is August 29, 2025. Submit early!
- AZELLA Spring 2026 Reassessment requests - submission deadline is December 5, 2025.
Accommodated Forms
AZELLA Braille - Spring 2025 Reassessment
- Kindergarten (K) through Grade 12 Braille (with some accessible domains without braille knowledge for lower grades)
- Notify the AZELLA team as soon as possible when the district has students who will require the Braille Reassessment test.
AZELLA Special Paper Version (SPV) for Placement and Reassessment online test administrations
- Grades 2-12 -SPV for online test
AZELLA Large Print (LP) for Paper AZELLA - Placement and Reassessment test administrations
- Kindergarten paper Large Print
- Grade 1 paper Large Print
- Grades 2-3 Large Print for Unit 4 (Extended Writing)
- Grades 2-12 SPV Large Print
AZELLA with American Sign Language (ASL) Videos for Directions, Samples, and other Accessibility Elements for - Placement and Reassessment online test administrations
- Grades 2-12
- Grade 1 Unit 4 (Extended Writing) ASL Video
Alternate English Language Proficiency Assessment (Alt ELPA)
Information about the Alt ELPA can be found at
AZELLA Sample Tests
The AZELLA online tests are administered through PearsonAccess Next (PAN) and TestNav, both are Pearson systems. The Test Administrator manages the students' tests through PAN, and the students complete their tests using TestNav. There are no testing materials such as a Student Test Book or Answer Document; however, the Test Administrators must use the Test Administration Directions (TADs) that are only available electronically through PearsonAccess Next and the Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS). The TADs may be downloaded and printed, and they must remain on campus or at the district office at all times. AZELLA Online Student Sample Tests are available through TestNav.
Arizona Online Sample Tests and Assessment Tutorials
AZELLA Sample Tests information (Online Sample Tests and Assessment Tutorials)
Sample Tests (web browser version)
The TestNav application must be downloaded to a computer or electronic device.
Once TestNav has been downloaded and set up, open the application and then select the Mic Check & Sample Tests link.
Usernames and Passwords are NOT required for the Online Sample Tests.
AZELLA Online Test Information
Setting Up TestNav
- Setup and Use TestNav - for installing TestNav
- AZELLA Testing Whitelisting TestNav URLs 2.26.2021
- TestNav Technical Bulletins
- TestNav - Troubleshooting
- TestNav Network Requirements and Guidelines
- Quick Guide for Turning off VoiceOver on iPADs
Other Online Test Administration Information
Headphone with Microphone Requirements for the online AZELLA tests
AZELLA Recommended Grades 2-12 Unit 5 (Speaking) Seating Arrangements (PDF)
AZELLA Sample Tests Recorded Webinar - Video recording - August 26, 2022
AZELLA Sample Tests PowerPoint Presentation (PDF) - August 26, 2022
AZELLA Sample Tests FAQs (PDF) - August 26, 2022
Test Administration Window - January 27 - March 14, 2025, for 7 weeks
Test EARLY! Don't wait!
- Spring 2025 Reassessment DTC Important Tasks Checklist (PDF)
- Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Coordinator Manual (PDF)
- Transferred Student with an EL Need form (PDF)
- Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Student Registration File/Layout (.CSV) for use in PAN
- Quick Guide - Participation Counts (K-3) (PDF)
- Quick Guide - Verify Contact Information in PAN (K-12) (PDF) - coming soon
- Spring 2025 School Header List for returning Scorable Student Test Books (K-3) (PDF)
- Spring 2025 Return Inventory Sheet - coming soon
- Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Student Data File Layout (.CSV) for use in your SIS in May 2025
AZELLA Kindergarten Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Referral Form (PDF)
- For English only Kindergarten students who have been referred to be tested
- For 60-Day Rule Kindergarten Students with a Proficient KPT record
Native Speaker Field Test - Spring 2025 Reassessment
- Test Window: January 27 - March 14, 2025 for 7 weeks
- Webinar for selected AZELLA DTCs - December 17, 2024 at 8:00 am - 9:00 am (the selected DTCs will receive an invitation for this webinar)
- Who: Selected native English-speaking students (identified by ADE) - ADE has notified all participating districts. The Native Speaker Field Test is only administered to English only students who have never been administered an ELP test. There are no more than 5 students per selected grade level or selected grade level band per participating school.
- What: Students will be administered the same AZELLA Reassessment Test as the EL students. The native English speakers can be tested alongside their EL peers. There is no difference in the test administration other than the cover of the paper test books and the test name on their Testing Tickets.
- Why: The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) is completing a comparison study to ensure the AZELLA test items meet the expectations necessary for inclusion on the AZELLA test. ADE needs data from native English speakers to fine-tune the scoring engine. The validity evidence is used in the tech report. All claims will be about the test, not about the schools or districts in the sample. There will not be any scores and reports provided for this field test.
AZELLA Results
Individual Student Reports
AZELLA DTCs receive 2 paper copies of Pearson's blue Individual Student Reports (ISR) and 1 copy of the AZELLA Family Report Guide for students who have been tested with the AZELLA Placement and the Spring AZELLA Reassessment Tests:
1 copy of the ISR must be placed in the student's cumulative files
1 copy of the ISR and 1 copy of the AZELLA Family Report Guide must be distributed to the parent(s)
The Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT) does not include the AZELLA Family Report Guide.
Enrolling Eligible Students in EL Program Services
Enrolling students in EL Program Services is completed through your Student Information System and then synchronized to AzEDS.
Students must have a "current" AZELLA record. "Current" means the most current ELP test record is dated during the current school year or the prior school year. For the 2024-2025 school year, the AZELLA record must be dated during the 2024-2025 school year or the 2023-2024 school year.
- The current AZELLA record must have an Overall Proficiencies Level (OPL) of less than proficient (e.g., Pre-Emergent/Emergent, Basic, Intermediate, or a combination of those levels).
- The current AZELLA record must show a status of "Eligible for EL Services".
When the student is administered a new 2024-2025 AZELLA Placement Test or the 2024-2025 Alt ELPA Screener and the results indicate the student is Eligible for EL Services, the enrollment date of such services should be the day AFTER the Placement Test or Alt ELPA Screener record date.
State Assessment Results and A-F Letter Grades
ADE's Accountability & Research Division is responsible for calculating and publishing the State EL Reclassification Rate. These files are available by Fiscal Year under the "State Assessment Public Files" and in the "English Learner Proficiency Test - AZELLA" section from the Accountability & Research Data website.
The 2024 state EL reclassification rate has been calculated and published by ADE's Accountability & Research Division.
Please contact ADE's Accountability & Research Unit at [email protected] with your questions.
AZELLA Forms and Reports
District Test Coordinator Test Security Agreement Form
2024-2025 District Test Coordinator Security Agreement - District Test Coordinator Security Agreement to be signed by Superintendent/Charter Representative - send completed forms to [email protected] by June 28, 2024.
AZELLA Test Security Agreement Form
2024-2025 AZELLA Test Security Agreement - for AZELLA staff - do not send the completed agreement forms to ADE. AZELLA DTCs must keep these forms in a secure location at the district office for 6 years.
Student Privacy
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. This law applies to all schools that receive U.S. Department of Education funds under applicable programs, including the states' English Language Proficiency assessments such as AZELLA.
ELP records, reports, and AZELLA materials may contain Personally Identifiable Information (PII), and sensitive information about a student’s educational background and historical performance. As such, we are all responsible for protecting all ELP records for authorized users only and securing AZELLA materials to prevent the accidental disclosure of the information they contain.
Do not include students' names and/or dates of birth in the body of emails. Use their State Student Identification (SSID) number. When images are included in the body of emails, all student-identifiable information except for the SSID number must be extracted or blacked out before adding the image to the email.
AZELLA Test Security and Test Administration Incident Reports
AZELLA Test Security and Ethics Incident Report 2024-2025
AZELLA Test Administration Irregularity Report 2024-2025
AZELLA student incidents are reported through PearsonAccess Next.
English Language Proficiency Reports
Due to Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and sensitive information about a student’s educational background and historical performances included in these reports, access is limited to authorized users only. Students must have a current school enrollment that has passed integrity before users will be able to view the data included in these reports. An ADEConnect account is required with the role of "AZELLA District Test Coordinator" (one per district) or with an "ELL" role or title to be able to access the reports. The following resource documents explain how to read the 3 different English Language Proficiency (ELP) Reports that are produced by the ADE's Assessments unit. The ELP Reports are located on ADEConnect > Assessments >> ELP Reports.
The EL70 - ELP Student Test History Report
- The EL70 Report is available for authorized users only and all student privacy protocols must be adhered to.
- The EL70 Report is a single student-only report.
- This report is updated as new assessment data becomes available and EL services information has passed integrity.
- The EL70 Report must be reviewed and printed or downloaded for every new student entering the school.
- The EL70 Report may be downloaded for a student after the school enrollment transaction has passed Integrity and within 2 calendar weeks of the student's start date.
- The EL70 Report is available for 2 calendar weeks from the student's withdrawal from school date.
The EL72 - ELP Test Roster Report
- The EL72 Report is a Fiscal Year report for student English Language Proficiency (ELP) data that was administered within a district.
- This report is published by the district and school.
- The current plus three prior fiscal year reports are available.
The EL73 - EL Student Need Report
- The EL73 Report is a live report published by the district and school.
- Students with an EL need will appear on this report after their school enrollment transaction has passed Integrity.
- The EL73 Report should be downloaded and reviewed on a weekly basis for every school.
- The EL73 Report should be downloaded on January 3, 2025, to be used as a reference for the Spring Reassessment test registrations.
- The EL73 Report should be downloaded during the last few days of the school year.
- When students achieve a Proficient level, they will no longer be included in this report.
- When students withdraw from school, they will no longer be included in this report for that school.
Before, During, and After AZELLA Administration Observation Forms
These 2024-2025 school year checklists must be completed twice per school year, once for the Placement administration and once for the Reassessment administration, for all AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and TAs.
The completed checklists are to be kept with the AZELLA DTC through June 30, 2025.
AZELLA Quality Assurance Checklist for Test Security and Ethics - DTC - WORD | PDF
AZELLA Quality Assurance Checklist for Test Security and Ethics - STC - WORD | PDF
AZELLA Quality Assurance Observation Checklist of an AZELLA Test Administrator - WORD
AZELLA Student Testing Logs
The AZELLA Student Testing Logs may be edited to meet the school's needs; however, when ADE requests the Testing Logs, the information included in these provided Student Testing Logs must be included when submitted to ADE. Do not include student names and dates of birth in the Student Testing Logs that are submitted to ADE. Keep these logs through November 1, 2025, because they may be needed to complete the LEA Reason application during the Fall of the following school year.
2024-2025 Placement Test Administration
- Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT) Student Testing Log - Excel PDF
- Grade 1 Placement Student Testing Log - Excel | PDF
Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Administration - coming December 2024
- Kindergarten and Grade 1 Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Student Testing Log - Excel | PDF
- Grades 2-3 Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Student Testing Log - Excel | PDF
- Grades 4-12 Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Student Testing Log - Excel | PDF
Student Data File Layouts
The Student Data File (SDF) layouts do not include student data. The district's Student Information System (SIS) (i.e., Synergy, PowerSchool, Infinite Campus, etc.) administrator/IT must work with the SIS vendor to incorporate the layouts prior to uploading the Student Data Files (SDF) (contains student information) from each test administration into your SIS. The SDF Layouts are always available in PearsonAccess Next for the specific test administration.
There are 2 specific AZELLA test administration layouts. One is for the AZELLA Placement Test and one is for the Spring AZELLA Reassessment test. They are different layout files! Using the Student Data Files that are provided by Pearson is optional. If your district/charter intends to use the Student Data Files provided by Pearson (not ADE) for your Student Information System, you must use the Student Data File Layouts as well. Download one copy of the Layout file (by test administration) and forward the file unopened to your SIS Administrator.
2024-2025 AZELLA Student Data File Layouts
- AZELLA Placement 2024-2025 Student Data File Layout EXCEL (.CSV)
- Student data is not included in the file layout.
- To be used with the AZELLA Placement Test Cycle Student Data Files from PearsonAccess Next.
- Refer to the AZELLA Placement Test Cycle Calendar for School Year 2024-2025.
- Spring 2025 Reassessment Student Data File Layout EXCEL (.CSV) - for use in the SIS in May 2025
- Student data is not included in the file layout.
- To be used with the Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Test Student Data Files from PearsonAccess Next.
English Language Proficiency Attestation
All AZELLA District Test Coordinators, School Test Coordinators, and Test Administrators must attest to being proficient English speakers who can model clear standard pronunciation of English prior to any ELP test administrations. AZELLA DTCs must keep this form for 6 fiscal years and provide it to ADE upon request.
English Language Proficiency Assessment Administrator Attestation 2024-2025 (PDF)
AZELLA Test Referral Forms
Completed and signed AZELLA Placement Test referral form documents must be placed in the student's cumulative file.
AZELLA 2024-2025 Placement Test Referral Forms
English Learner Status Undetermined or Missed Prior Reassessment Test WORD | PDF
* Moving from EL Program Services to Mainstream - Start of School Year WORD | PDF
* Must be submitted to [email protected] for approval
AZELLA Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Referral Form
- AZELLA Kindergarten Spring 2025 Reassessment Test Referral Form
- For English only Kindergarten students who have been referred to be tested
- For 60-Day Rule Kindergarten Students with a Proficient KPT record
AZELLA Trainings and Qualifications
AZELLA Training Matrix
AZELLA Training Matrix 2024-2025 (PDF) Updated 09/24/2024
This training matrix provides information about the AZELLA training modules that are required to be completed annually by each AZELLA role. The AZELLA roles are identified as well as the training modules by test administration for each AZELLA role.
The AZELLA Annual, Placement, and Reassessment training modules in the Arizona Learning Management System (AzLM) include downloadable correlating PowerPoints and Transcripts. We recommend that you download these files, especially the newer District and School Test Coordinators and Test Administrators. These will be helpful resources that you can refer to throughout the school year, and they can be used as you complete the final quizzes associated with each module that must be passed with 80% correct.
Arizona Learning Management System (AzLMS)
AzLMS - click here AFTER you've created your account
New AZELLA DTCs will receive an invitation from Adobe Learning Manager [email protected], with the subject, "Welcome to Arizona’s Learning Management System: Verification required." You must use the link provided in the invitation to create your AzLMS account. Please be sure to check your Spam/Junk folder for this invitation from Adobe. Returning AZELLA DTCs that are associated with the same district as the prior school year will use their same AzLMS account.
All AZELLA DTCs have 2 profiles. One profile is the Manager role. The Manager role provides access to the district and school training completions report. The other is the Learner profile. The Learner profile is where you need to complete your training courses. You can switch between your roles by clicking on the role under your user profile in the upper right corner of the screen next to the bell. The Manager role provides access to the district and school training completion report.
ADE highly recommends that users review the AzLMS Catalog courses to learn how to use and navigate the AzLMS platform.
Select the Catalog icon from the far left screen then select the catalogs (AZELLA Annual, AZELLA Placement, Understand Scoring, AZELLA Reassessment, and the LMS catalog are all in this section), and finally select your role as noted in the Tags. Click on the courses, based on the AZELLA Training Matrix 2024-2025 to enroll in the courses.
Returning AzLMS users that have the same email address will use their same AzLMS account.
AzLMS Self-Registration Job Aid
There are 4 catalogs in AzLMS for the AZELLA training modules:
- AZELLA Annual - must be completed once per school year for all AZELLA test administrations.
- AZELLA Placement - completed at the start of the school year.
- Understand Scoring (Learning Path) for Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 - to be completed at the start of the school year.
- AZELLA Reassessment - completed in January.
AZELLA Staff Roles (aka "Tags") in the AzLMS:
- District Test Coordinator
- School Test Coordinator
- Technology Coordinator
- Test Administrators
- Data Entry (Clerk)
- District/School Reports Only
- Proctors/Other Staff
Annual AZELLA Training Modules
The Annual training modules are applied to all AZELLA Test administrations and must be completed once per school year and prior to any AZELLA tests being administered.
These training modules open in July of every new school year.
- Test Security and Ethics
- Required for ALL AZELLA roles.
- AZELLA Basics
- Required for AZELLA DTCs and STCs.
- AZELLA Technology
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Technology Coordinators.
- AZELLA Reports and Corrections
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and District and/or School Report Access Only in PAN.
- PearsonAccess Next (PAN)
- PearsonAccess Next for AZELLA DTCs and STCs
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Technology Coordinators.
- PearsonAccess Next for Test Administrators
- Required for AZELLA Test Administrators.
- PearsonAccess Next for Data Entry
- Required for AZELLA Placement Data Entry Clerk.
- PearsonAccess Next for AZELLA DTCs and STCs
AZELLA Placement Training Modules
These AZELLA Placement training modules open in July of the current school year and must be completed every school year prior to the administration of the AZELLA Placement Tests.
- AZELLA District Test Coordinators and School Test Coordinators (DTCs and STCs) Placement Test
- Required for AZELLA DTCs and STCs.
- Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT) - Districts and Charters that serve Kindergarten students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Kindergarten Placement Test Administrators.
- Grade 1 Placement - Districts and Charters that serve Grade 1 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Grade 1 Test Administrators.
- Grades 2-3 Placement - Districts and Charters that serve Grades 2-3 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Grades 2-3 Test Administrators.
- Grades 4-12 Placement - Districts and Charters that serve Grades 4-12 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Grades 4-12 Test Administrators.
Understand Scoring Learning Path for Placement Test Training and Qualifications (Kindergarten-Grade 3)
The Understand Scoring training and qualifications are for LEAs that serve Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 students. Understand Scoring is strictly for use with the AZELLA Placement Tests.
Understand Scoring is located in the AzLMS. This learning path is in the LMS Catalog. These AZELLA Placement Test trainings and qualifications must be completed every school year for those who require them. The Understand Scoring learning path opens in the AzLMS on July 1, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year.
All Understand Scoring content and materials are secure test materials and must always be treated as such.
The Understand Scoring learning path requires the user to enter a specific keyword. This keyword is found in the KPT, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3 AZELLA Placement training modules that are located in the AzLMS. The keyword is case-sensitive.
Understand Scoring Required Training and Qualifications
The Understand Scoring trainings and qualifications are strictly for the AZELLA Placement Test administration and for Kindergarten, Grade 1, and Grades 2-3.
- Kindergarten Placement Test Administrator
- Required for AZELLA Kindergarten Placement Test (KPT) Administrators - anyone administering and simultaneously locally scoring the AZELLA Kindergarten Placement Test.
- Grade 1 Writing Scorer
- Required for Anyone who is responsible for locally scoring the short answer and extended Writing responses for the AZELLA Placement Grade 1 test.
- Grades 2-3 Writing Scorer
- Required for Anyone who is responsible for locally scoring the short answer and extended Writing responses for the AZELLA Placement Grades 2-3 tests.
AZELLA Spring Reassessment Training Modules
The AZELLA Spring Reassessment training modules must be completed every school year in January.
- Spring 2025 AZELLA Reassessment Fundamentals
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Test Administrators.
- AZELLA District Test Coordinators and School Test Coordinators (DTCs and STCs) Reassessment
- Required for AZELLA DTCs and STCs.
- Kindergarten and Grade 1 Reassessment - Districts and Charters that serve Kindergarten and Grade 1 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Test Administrators.
- Grades 2-3 Reassessment - Districts and Charters that serve Grades 2-3 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Test Administrators.
- Grades 4-12 Reassessment - Districts and Charters that serve Grades 4-12 students
- Required for AZELLA DTCs, STCs, and Test Administrators.
Presentations and Useful Web Links
AZELLA at OELAS Boot Camp 12/09/2024
AZELLA Resources: The What, Where, and When - PDF - Friday Focus webinar 11/08/2024
Navigating English Language Proficiency Reports and Protecting Student Identifiable Information 09.19.2024
AZELLA Basics for EL Coordinators 07.17.2024 (OELAS Boot Camp)
AZELLA at the May 2024 PELL Meeting - 05.08.2024
PearsonAccess Next - AZELLA test management system
Office of English Language Acquisition Services (OELAS) (EL Program Service Models, Compliance Issues, FEP Monitoring, EL Forms, Title III, SEI Budget, and the EL71 Report information)
English Learner (EL) Forms (managed by OELAS)
AzEDS EL Transactions At-A-Glance [EL Program Services enrollments and exits codes through your Student Information System]
EL Program Services Questions? Contact the Office of English Language Acquisition Services at [email protected]
Contact Information
The AZELLA Inbox ([email protected]) should be your first contact concerning AZELLA questions. All questions concerning AZELLA training modules, AZELLA test administration, students eligible and required to test, test administration schedules, test irregularities, AZELLA test records, issues with the EL70, EL72, and EL73 Reports, and any issues that arise during test administration should be sent to the AZELLA Inbox. The AZELLA Team is able to respond to you much faster through email. We strive to respond within 1 business day to all emails and voicemails. ADE is closed on the weekends and all holidays.
High Importance – For issues that arise during actual student testing, send an email to the AZELLA Inbox and indicate in the subject line “Students Testing – Need Help.” Mark your email with a High Importance tag. Include a phone number that we can contact with you if necessary. In the email include:
- the student's SSID number,
- grade level,
- the district and school information,
- any error message or code(s) that the student or TA is receiving, and
- information about the situation is required.
ADE will respond as quickly as possible. Do not leave a voice message as these calls are not responded to as quickly as emails.