Yavapai Accommodation School District
This LEA is an accommodation school district with high-risk students in the 9th - 12th grades. The school is considered an alternative school offering students with different school sessions (times) and deliveries to fit the needs of this unique population. Students are often working, have families they provide for, may have been adjudicated, and the majority arrive at the school/s missing credits and behind in track for high school graduation. Academic loss due to the pandemic are addressed with all students and individualized learning plans are created for each student. Most students are behind in math and the LEA is using ESSER funds to secure a math teachers salary through the SY 2022-2023.
All students, including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students are provided with equitable instruction, academic interventions, and social and emotional mental health support and interventions.
The entire school population is considered a vulnerable population of students. The school is an alternative accommodation school that responds to the needs of students who have fallen behind in their credits, may have social anxiety, may have challenging home situations, may have a history of law enforcement involvement which prevents them from being able to return to their local school. There are 60 students in both schools in the accommodation district.
A newer practice to address learning loss, implemented by the school Principal, is that all school personnel are available to the students when they need help. Students can contact the school staff at any time, not just during school hours. Students know the staff are genuinely interested in their success and use this access beyond schools' hours including evenings and weekends. The school staff are partners with the students for a successful outcome.
Other SEL approved practices that support students include life skills training, social skills training, career exploration workshops, and other specialized programming to meet student needs to increase student performance, decrease drug involvement, and improve mood management.
The LEAs Superintendent / Principal is available by phone 24/7 and students regularly contacts the Principal for academic, social and emotional support. The Principal adjusts and modifies the academic schedule to address COVID19 learning loss and puts in place interventions and services to address the impact of COVID19 has had on the students.
Additionally, the social and emotional support team are licensed counselors trained in trauma-informed and the Nuerosequential Model in Education (NME) techniques. The entire school staff attend professional developments that is specialized in trauma-informed practices as well as other targeted approaches that support the students in successful completion of their high school career. An additional contracted day for a licensed mental health provider is funded by ESSER III to support students due to the pandemic challenges with their social and emotional concerns.
Practices for academic success include:
Blended learning
Metacognitive strategies
Inclusive education
Differentiated instruction
Chronic absenteeism is often a reason for students' failure at other schools. Attendance interventions are in place to ensure students show up regularly.
College access programs are in place to provide students with post-graduation plans for technical / vocational or college plans after high school graduation.