Vernon Elementary District
We will hire a part time intervention teacher for Math. This teacher will work with students who are identified as tier 3 and some tier 2 students in Math from our STAR math assessments in the RTI process. Students will be pulled daily for 30 minute intervention lessons 4 times per week. Groups will range from 2-5 students depending on need. This will target students in grades 2-8. Interventions will include IXL, TouchPoint Math and leveled material from Go Math. STAR math assessment will be used to progress monitor every 2 weeks. Student movement in and out of the groups will be fluid depending on their needs and progress.
We will hire two part time Para pros to work with students in Reading who are Tier 3 as identified by DIBELS, our phonics screener and the STAR reading assessment in out RTI process. Students will be pulled for a 30 minute reading intervention 4 times per week. Target groups will be 2-3 students at the same level. Intervention programs will include Spalding Phonics, Reading A to Z, and leveled reading instruction. We may identify additional programs and adjust as this covers three years. Students in grades K-2 will be progress monitored using DIBELS. Grades 3-8 will use the STAR reading assessment. Students will progress monitor every 2 weeks. Student movement in and out of the groups will be fluid depending on their needs and progress.
Our school population is 120 students. Our goal is to target all students who are not meeting standards in Math and Reading. However we will start with homeless, foster and broken families first.
All teachers will receive training on the Sanford Harmony SEL program. Teachers will have weekly SEL lessons for 30-45 minutes for their whole class. Students who need more supports will be referred to the counselor for small group or individual sessions with the counselor.
Student needs will be determined by surveys given to the students, teachers observation/referrals, parent requests and discipline referrals.
Our target groups will be homeless students, foster students, and students from broken families (living with grandparents or other relatives).
Our Counselor and teachers will continue training in Sanford Harmony SEL and have weekly lessons with the students. Our counselor will offer both group and individual sessions with students as needed.