Tucson Country Day School, Inc.
We will be deploying our SEAL Team (Social Emotional Academic Learning Team) with the purpose of providing intensive, one-on-one and small group instruction to students in grades K-8. The deployment of this team begins with the Math Specialist, Literacy Specialist, and Learning Coach connecting with each grade level teacher to review testing data from the previous school year and identifying students performing below grade level in each of the Arizona State Standards. Once these students are identified, the Specialists schedule time with each identified student to conduct further diagnostic testing to pinpoint skill deficits within each State Standard. Once specific skills are identified, the Specialists work with classroom teachers to devise a "pull out" schedule where identified students who have skill deficits of more than one grade level receive intensive one-on-one instruction targeting their specific skill deficits, five days per week. These students are being identified as "Tier 3" students. Students that show skill gaps just below grade level (Tier 2 students) receive small group instruction from the Learning Coach, 3-5 days per week.
Tucson Country Day School will be addressing the needs of "Each major racial and ethnic group, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English language learners, gender, students experiencing homelessness, and students in foster care" through the use of targeted academic intervention in the areas of ELA and Math. Tucson Country Day School uses ST Math, IXL, and Dibels to assess and monitor the progress of each student identified as performing below grade level. Every week, these students are assessed to gauge academic progress in their identified areas. Identified students are given small group and one-on-one instruction that targets their deficiencies that contributed to their learning loss. Instruction for the following week is determined based on how students perform on their weekly progress monitoring assessments. Student groupings and the skills taught vary, as assessment data, using IXL, ST Math, and Dibels, guides this process.
The Social Emotional Learning Specialist works with each K-8 classroom to provide one-on-one and small group instruction to students using curriculum that targets the Arizona SEL Competencies..