ESS Vouchers
The Arizona Department of Education pays for the educational services for students in institutional and residential settings through the voucher system.
What is an Institutional Voucher?
Institutional vouchers are for students who receive services through state institutions such as the Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and the Blind (ASDB).
ASDB Student Reporting
State Institutions and ASDB Sites
FY25 Institutional Voucher Rates
Institutional Voucher FAQs
ASDB Website
What is a Residential Voucher?
Residential vouchers are for students who are placed in residential treatment centers by state placing agencies and IEP teams. When a state placing agency places a student in a residential treatment center, it is the responsibility of the home school district to determine if the student is eligible or non-eligible for special education per A.R.S. §15-765(E) and A.R.S. §15-1183(B).
Residential Voucher FAQs
Determining the Home School District FAQs
ESS Vouchers Toolkit
Residential Treatment Center Placement Website
Determining the HSD Flowchart
Determinación del Diagrama de Flujo HSD
ESS Vouchers and Claims Role Assignments
State Placing Agencies (SPA)
Training for SPAs
Training for SPAs - Submitting an Initial Application Video FY25 - NEW
FY25 Voucher Process Change
Home School Districts (HSD)
Training for HSDs
Training for HSDs - Approving an Initial Application Video FY25 - NEW
Training for HSDs - Creating an HSD Application and Uploading Documents Video FY25 - NEW
Required Documents for HSDs
Creating an HSD Application and Uploading Documents
Residential Treatment Centers (RTC)
Training for RTCs
2024-25 Approved RTC List
2024-25 RTC Calendars
RTC Agreements
RTC Criteria
FY25 Residential Voucher Rates
New Application
Renewal Application
Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA)
Institutional and Residential Vouchers are different than Universal Vouchers and the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) Program. For more information go to the Empowerment Scholarship Account website, you may also contact (602) 364-1969 or [email protected].
Contact Exceptional Student Services (ESS) Vouchers
ESS Vouchers Inbox
Voucher Program Specialist, Nosa Muhsin, (602) 542-1126
Voucher Education Program Specialist, Laura DeLoach, (602) 364-4014
Voucher Education Program Specialist, Jeff Rhodes, (602) 542-4387
Page revision date: January 31, 2025