Skull Valley Elementary District
Skull Valley Elementary School District is a small and rural district with 34 students in K-8 and 8 preschool students at an on site location. After stakeholder consultations, it was determined that the best way to address learning loss and provide effective instruction was to modify the grade structure from two large classrooms (K-3 and 4-8 ) to three classrooms (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 ) grade levels. This modification reduces class sizes and offers more effective instruction. Prior to COVID 19, there were only two classes. The classroom instruction was challenging for the teachers and the students. Since the beginning of this school year, SY 2022, an additional teacher was hired. Based on data from this year, student achievement has increased and both the students and teachers are finding this arrangement to provide a more conducive learning environment.
The school uses Beyond Textbooks for their curriculum with supplemental resources as needed to meet student needs. There are daily interventions conducted by the SPED and Title I teacher one-on-one with students. Classroom teachers practice differentiated instruction and the instructional team follow individualized interventions for academic achievement. Students receive high quality, equitable, effective instruction.
Equitable services high quality academic instruction, social, emotional, and mental health needs are available to all students including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students.
A new 1 FTE teacher as of SY 2021-2022 to restructure multi-grades classrooms and reduce class sizes. This restructure was instigated to address learning loss and provide students with more effective instruction with less grade spans and smaller class size. Additional contracted days for social and emotional counselor to work with students is being funded with ESSER III funds.