Round Valley Unified District
We are confident that our interventions that we will have with the students will benefit them. All schools will have the students come to the summer school portion in order to catch up on their learning. We will provide additional education with academic, social, and emotional health in order to help them in this time of need. The teachers will focus on helping them in their learning and using the curriculum the the team will purchase to help them We are not sure what the outcome will be but are willing to try. We have a counselor that will help us to evaluate specific needs for those students who are struggling. As we seek to find the curriculum we feel that these interventions will provide the education to our students in the difficult times. The Capturing Kids Hearts, that is evidence based, will provide students the training and learning that will help the emotionally overcome the difficulty that they are facing. This will greatly affect their attitudes. We will focus on the lower income families as they are the ones that seem to struggle the most with these times. We will also focus on those who miss school a great amount in hopes to give them the education that they need to overcome the obstacles that they face. The curriculum that we choose along with the beyond textbooks that we have in place will help to provide the support for the lower income students. We feel that these interventions will help to serve all students as well as those targeted. Purchases will include Retention Stipend for all staff, Summer Programs for 2022,2023,2024, Tutoring after school with teachers,