Prescott Valley Charter School
PVCS utilizes research and evidence-based curriculum, assessments and instructional strategies to support ALL students to achieve grade level proficiency. We have also adopted robust, research-based intervention curriculum and assessments that are used by teachers, and interventionists to provide acceleration support and to aide in the identification of individual students and sub-groups of students most impacted by the pandemic to address the academic impact of lost instructional time. Our interventionists and coaches work with core content teachers to help close the gap for our students. Data is also regularly analyzed to determine the impact that support is having on individual and groups of students, and instructional decisions are made in response.
PVCS will implementing a robust program that consists of acceleration intervention. PVCS Teachers and interventionists will provide support to identified students during an acceleration period or WIN (what I need) block. This period is built into the master schedule so no student will lose out on other instructional time and/or social-emotional learning time including electives, recess, etc.
A variety of staff provide direct support to teachers and interventionists to ensure fidelity of implementation, including Instructional Coaches, administrators, behavior specialist, and counselors. Teachers lead weekly PLCs that focus on the implementation of individual, grade level and school wide strategies to meet the needs of ALL students. Additionally, Instructional Coaches meet with interventionists and teachers individually after reviewing acceleration plans, conducting observations, reviewing progress monitoring data to ensure that they have the resources and support needed to implement targeted and differentiated strategies.
Specific supports include:
- WE will hire 2 highly qualified interventionist teachers to accelerate and provide intervention to close academic gaps in reading and mathematics.
- Intervention teachers will provide a minimum of three sessions per week with up to five sessions. Each session will be a minimum of 20 minutes up to 60 minutes with groups of five or less students based on need.
- Acceleration times are built into the daily schedules for all students' grades K-8, allowing interventions to be provided during the day during identified acceleration period or WIN Block.
- PVCS supports students in tracking their own progress towards closing identified achievement gaps and in their own social-emotional growth, high-quality assessments, both diagnostic and formative to provide timely information for each student in their Leader in Me Leadership Notebook
- Every student has access to a computer device in order to access digital software identified to accelerate learning and provide support in developing social-emotional support, increased student engagement.
In addition to the academic support and intervention that is taking place, we are also supporting all students with a comprehensive social/emotional program that includes:
1) built in time during the school day for 100% of students to participate in check-ins and time to reflect and discuss any needs or areas of concern going,
2) daily implementation of Leader in Me, a social-emotional curriculum approved by CASEL, in grades kindergarten through 8th grade on a daily basis
Additionally, students track their own social-emotional growth in a Leader in Me Leadership Notebook.
The school behavior interventionist and counselors will focus on Behavioral Health and Wellness providing direct student services through: 1) short term behavioral and emotional support to stabilize emotional crisis, including referral to counseling for K-8 students, 2) in-school 1:1 behavioral coaching, through behavior intervention plans and functional behavior assessments, 3) providing presentations for students and staff on a variety of timely and relevant topics.
These programs and supports generate valuable, real-time data that is used by staff to identify and support students' emotional needs and mental health. Classroom teachers, instructional support personnel and administrators are trained in utilizing social/emotional check in data, anonymous reporting via an easily accessible form, as well as parent alerts to drive identification. These data are used by school counselors to create actionable supports.
Specific supports include:
- All students (K-8) have built in time during the school day to provide regular check-ins for students and set aside time to reflect and discuss any needs or areas of concern going on for students.
- PVCS implements Leader in Me, a social-emotional curriculum approved by CASEL, in grades kindergarten through fourth grade on a daily basis.
- PVCS implements PBIS, a school-wide system to promote and develop positive behaviors, reduce discipline incidents and a focus on keeping all students in the classroom.
The vulnerable populations to be targeted by our programs above will be low SES, students of color, ELL, special education, homeless youth, and students in foster care, however, services will be available for all our students as we have a high poverty school with more than 82% eligible from FRL.