PEAK School Inc., The
The PEAK School is a Title I Schoolwide School serving a diverse and vulnerable student population. The 20% set aside will be used to address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on PEAK's vulnerable student populations: 1. Economically disadvantaged students (free and reduced lunch) 70%, 2. Students from the major racial/ethnic groups including 58% Hispanic, 6% Two or more Ethnicities, 26% Native American, and 10% White, 3. Students in Special Education 13%, and 4. English learners 10%. The impact on these populations will be addressed by providing 1 full time certified teacher for during the school day and during our Extended School Program (after school) and 1 full time HQ teaching assistant (during the school day) to help students at risk of failure obtain academic proficiency. This teacher and HQ teaching assistant are working with students that have been identified as either Tier 2 or Tier 3 in PEAK's Multi-Tiered System of Support (students identified as most at-risk of failure). PEAK identifies Tier 2 and Tier 3 students based upon Universal Screenings, reading fluency, Star Math and Galileo assessments. The teacher is also operating the newly re-structured academic Extended School Program to address learning loss. She is working with individual and small groups of students during the day and in the Extended School Program by implementing the PEAK School's evidence-based reading and math programs. This instruction by the HQ teaching assistant will occur under the direction of a HQ classroom teacher and will consist of implementing the PEAK School's evidence-based reading and math programs. These programs include Renaissance Learning's FRECKLE program (math and ELA), HMH Journeys and SciLearns (the publisher of FFW) of Fast ForWord. Only Math and ELA are being addressed with this set aside. The PEAK's School Psychologist is providing regular staff training in the areas of social and emotional learning as well as consulting with teachers and providing counseling services to students in need. The PEAK School Art, Music and PE programs are geared toward social and emotional learning activities and health. Technology is being provided to students for the academic Extended School Program, throughout the day and for at-home learning.