Career Development, Inc.
We are an Alternative Charter School in a low income area, so approximately 90% of are students are considered "disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic." Therefore, our strategies are all aligned to impact those students. The hiring of paraprofessionals and additional ELA teacher allows more time for the teachers and SPED professionals to interact and provide meaningful intervention and support to all students. Staffing and providing transportation to extended day Fridays and intersessions ensures the ability of all students to access meaningful support. Purchase of resources that provide online access such as Edgenuit, Adaptive Curriculum, TransMath and NewsELA, allow student to check out a laptop from the school and work from home, if they need to work or provide care to younger siblings so a parent can work during extended day, summer or intersessions. All students are enrolled in CCR Homeroom, so integrating social and emotional learning modules during CCR is the easiest way to ensure all students are provided with this support and integrating preexisting modules from Edgenuity for the first year ensures the quality of the instruction is consistent. Employing a science teacher with a M.D. allows all students to access quality instruction in science and provides the administration with a valuable resource on reducing the transmission of COVID, benefitting everyone on campus. Finally, continued employment of a learning lab monitor allows a leaning lab to ab available to all students all day so they can work on enrichment and credit recovery classes with professional support and provides students engaged in distance learning with a point of contact to facilitate tutoring and support. FOr the past five years we have used our Title 1 monies to provide free Summer School for all our students, so ESSER III money was not needed in that area.