Standards: History and Social Science
Arizona History and Social Science Standards
Arizona Civics Test Information and Reporting Guide
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History and Social Science Standards PDF
Do not use these guidance documents to make curriculuar decisions.
It is with great excitement that the Academic Standards Social Studies Team, as well as a dedicated working group, releases new Social Studies Standards Guidance Documents for K-12 teachers. These documents, the How to Use Guide and grade level Guidance Documents, were created to support integrating the Arizona State Standards and inquiry into the K-12 Social Studies classroom. When building out these documents, the working group, which consisted of K-12 Social Studies educators and leaders, considered what type of document would be helpful to new classroom educators, long-term subs, administrators, and those stepping into the subject or grade for the first time.
K-2 Guidance Documents
3-5 Guidance Documents
- Third Grade: Arizona Studies (prehistoric to present day)
- Fourth Grade: Regions and Cultures of the Americas
- Fifth Grade: United States Studies
6-8 Guidance Documents
- Sixth Grade: Global Studies (World Regions and Cultures)
- Seventh Grade: Integrated Global Studies
- Eighth Grade: Citizenship and Civic Engagement in Today's Society
High School Guidance Documents
We want to emphasize that this is just a guidance document to be used for support and that teachers should be referencing district/school curriculum maps, pacing guides, and priority standards. While we decided to select priority standards (standards that are emphasized through all major topics throughout the year), teachers should be teaching all state standards.
Grade Levels at a Glance: K-2
Grade Levels at a Glance: 3-5
- Third Grade: Arizona Studies (prehistoric to present day)
- Fourth Grade: Regions and Cultures of the Americas
- Fifth Grade: United States Studies
Grade Levels at a Glance: 6-8
- Sixth Grade: Global Studies World Regions And Cultures)
- Seventh Grade: Integrated Global Studies
- Eighth Grade: Citizenship and Civic Engagement In Today's Society
Grade Levels at a Glance: Complete
Complete: Grade Levels at a Glance
Arizona History and Social Science Standards Progression of Anchor Standards by Grade Band
2018 Arizona History and Social Science Anchor Standards Progression by Grade Band
- Visions for Social Studies Classroom aka Shifts in Social Studies Teaching and Learning
- Arizona History and Social Science Notable Shifts
- Elementary Social Studies Marginalization
- Implementation Guide for History and Social Science Standards
- Increase Reading Scores Using Literacy-Rich Social Studies Lessons Webinar
Social Science and History 10-Minute Videos
- Standards Overview
- K-2 Standards Overview
- 3-5 Implementation Suggestions
- 6-8 Standards Overview
- Inquiry Overview
- Understanding the Anchor Standards
- Arizona History and Social Science Notable Shifts
- Elementary SS Marginalization
- Arizona History & Social Science Standards
- Visit our page with all of our past newsletters here.
Beginning with the graduating class of 2017, high school graduates are required to pass (60/100) a civics test identical to the civics portion of the naturalization test used by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Special education students with an Individualized Education Plan are only required to pass the civics test if it is mentioned in the student's IEP. As a courtesy, the Arizona Department of Education, with help from the Maricopa County Education Service Agency and Arizona educators, has developed a mostly multiple-choice version of the required test.
New Legislation Signed in 2022: There is new legislation that was signed into law in 2022 that requires students graduating in 2026 and after must have a passing score of 70/100. If a student graduates in 2026, and has already taken the civics test and scored a 60-69, they will need to retest and score a 70/100 sometime before they graduate in 2026.
Students with Disabilities and the Arizona Civics Test
The Arizona Civics test may be altered in accordance with a student who requires an alternative test. All students should take the test, but the pass/fail determination may be waived based on the student's needs. Please refer to a student's IEP or 504 and speak with the school staff for more guidance.
Arizona Civics Test Administration Guide
*Administration Guide Updated October 2024
Beginning in 2023-2024, LEAs are now required to report civics test aggregate data by grade level.
Click the REPORTING FORM button below to open the form.
Submit your data on or before June 15 and only submit data once for your school district or charter school. If you serve grades 7-12 in any capacity, but no students tested, please still complete the reporting form. No student information will be collected.
Districts must collect the following data by district AND grade level:
- Median score
- Percentage of passing students
- Percentage of failing students
The Arizona Department of Education does not require the use of any of the following resources. Please always reference your districts/school's curriculum, resources, and pacing guides.
The Civic Literacy Curriculum, from Arizona State University’s Center for American Civics, is a free resource designed for students preparing for the civics test. It includes over 100 lessons, assessments, historical backgrounds, primary texts, exercises, worksheets, discussion prompts, and other tools for in-school or home learning.
Please contact [email protected] to be directed to the K-12 Social Studies Team.
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