Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Gifted education, ARS §15-779.02, is mandated for all public school districts. All school districts must both identify gifted learners and provide appropriate educational programs and services for gifted learners that are an “integrated, differentiated learning experience during the regular school day” in all grades K-12. Under this law, charter and private schools are not mandated to provide gifted services or testing, unless they choose to apply for the gifted supplemental funding referenced in ARS §15-779.02.
Teachers who work with gifted learners must be provided with professional development support based on a plan outlined within a school district’s Scope and Sequence for Gifted Education. Also, teachers whose primary responsibility is teaching gifted learners must have, or be working towards earning, an Arizona Gifted Education K-12 Endorsement.
Arizona law requires that all public school districts must both identify gifted learners and provide appropriate educational programs and services for gifted learners. However, the law does not prescribe the models that district must use to serve their gifted learners.
A gifted scope and sequence is a local plan developed by school districts describing their gifted education programs and services for the identification process of and curriculum modifications for gifted pupils to ensure that gifted learners receive gifted education commensurate with their academic abilities and potentials (ARS §15-779.02). Many districts post the Scope and Sequence information on their websites. This is public information, so you may also request to view your district’s local plan by contacting your local school district.
If your child has been identified as a gifted learner using a testing instrument on the Arizona State Board Approved Test List, and scored in the 97th percentile in any one of three reasoning categories (Verbal, Nonverbal or Quantitative Reasoning), then your child must be identified as gifted by an Arizona school district as soon as the district has verified eligibility. Students who score below the 97th percentile may also be served, so be sure to contact the district to discuss their gifted program and appropriate placement for your child.
Federal law has established policies and procedures for special education, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which requires IEPs for special education learners. Gifted education policies and procedures, however, are solely established through state law.
Yes, the updated WISC-V test may be used to identify gifted learners in verbal, non-verbal and quantitative reasoning.
In AzEDS, you should report all students your LEA has identified as gifted using your locally developed and approved criteria as specified in your LEA's approved Scope and Sequence for Gifted Education. By reporting these students, you provide the ADE with an accurate count of students locally identified and served. You should report all students who have been identified as gifted in the following categories:
- Verbal Reasoning
- Quantitative Reasoning
- Nonverbal Reasoning
- Other (if they were identified in another category)
The ‘NOND’ or ‘No Need’ field would only be used for those students that have been identified, but are not receiving services. This would generally apply to those students for whom their parents have not given consent, or has refused, services to be provided.
In the USFR, p. 9, the fund code for A.R.S. §15-779.03 is 450.