Professional Learning
The Multi-Tiered Behavior Supports is a three-year training series that will assist district, charter, or school teams with the development of a school-wide approach for positive behavior management practices. This training is based on School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (SW-PBIS) evidence-based elements.
- Year One—Funded by the PEA
- Year Two—ADE/ESS funded through a contract with the PEA
- Year Three—ADE/ESS funded through a contract with the PEA
For more information, email Celeste Nameth.
The College and Career Competencies (CCC’s) Project, formally known as AZ CCCTT/Project EASEL, is a collaborative initiative led by the Arizona Department of Education and the University of Kansas Research Collaboration that works to train educators to develop career-equipped, lifelong learners. This project is a free professional learning opportunity available to educators and leadership teams. Teams will learn to systematically teach skill competencies and academic learning standards simultaneously, thereby improving academic achievement, engagement, and post-school outcomes.
Now recruiting for the 2025–2026 school year!
View the College and Career Competencies (CCC's) Project webpage to learn more.
For information regarding the 2024–2025 College and Career Competencies (CCC's) Project Professional Learning Workshops, email Lauren Friend.
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Intervention Central—Learn specific techniques to help with a variety of classroom behaviors from defusing/de-escalation to self-management skills.
The Basic Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to Behavior Support Plans (BSP) training consists of 7 online modules created by Portland State University. The modules should be completed in order with time in between each module to complete the homework assignment for hands-on application of the skills learned in each module before moving on to the next module. A pace of about one module per week is recommended, though in some cases more time may be needed to complete the homework tasks assigned in a module.
Basic FBA to BSP Online Training
Basic FBA to BSP Trainer's Manual
Basic FBA to BIP e-Learning Modules
- Addressing Disruptive and Noncompliant Behaviors: Understanding the Acting-Out Cycle
- Classroom Management: Learning the Components of a Comprehensive Behavior Management Plan
- SOS: Helping Students Become Independent Learners
For a complete list of The IRIS Center discipline training modules, see the IRIS Resource Locator under Behavior and Classroom Management
- §300.530 Authority of school personnel
- §300.531 Determination of setting
- §300.532 Appeal
- §300.533 Placement during appeals
- §300.534 Protections for children not determined eligible for special education and related services
- §300.535 Referral to and action by law enforcement and judicial authorities
- §300.536 Change of placement because of disciplinary removals
- §300.537 State enforcement mechanisms
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Dear Colleague Letter from August 2016 emphasizes the requirement that schools provide positive behavioral supports to students with disabilities who need them and clarifies that the repeated use of disciplinary actions may suggest that children with disabilities may not be receiving appropriate behavioral interventions and supports.
Contact Us
Behavior/Mental Health Project Coordinator
Lauren Friend
MTBS Specialist
Celeste Nameth
Page revised 3/3/25