MEP Program Components
The State Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) and LCNA is part of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Migrant Education’s (OMEs) Continuous Improvement Cycle, as depicted in the figure to the right. In this cycle, each step in developing a program: assessing needs, identifying strategies, implementing them, and evaluating the results, builds on the previous activity and informs the subsequent activity. The CNA identifies needs statewide. The LCNA provides an opportunity to review local data on migratory students, identify needs, and propose research-based
solutions to meet those needs, and implementation through the SDP. The purpose of the MEP Service Delivery Plan (SDP) is to provide local MEP directors, program managers and teachers with a blueprint that can be used to improve the academic achievement of Migratory students and youth living in Arizona. This Service Delivery Plan (SDP) is submitted in fulfillment of federal statutory and regulatory requirements set forth in Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.