La Tierra Community School, Inc
La Tierra Community School will address the academic impact of lost instructional time by hiring Special Education Instructional Aides to work with students in a one-on-one or small group setting in grades K-3. New teacher laptops will be purchased to facilitate technology related instruction for all students in the classroom to further address learning gaps. All teachers at LTCS will implement Conscious Discipline to address the social and emotional needs of every student in the classroom.
Kindergarten Instructional Aide Salary to address student learning needs during the school day.
1 FTE Kindergarten Aide for the 2021-22 school year. 1 aide x $22,916 average salary = $22,916.00 plus ERE benefits: $2,292.00 = $25,208.00
Middle Grades Math teacher to address learning loss during the school day.
.59 FTE Middle Grade Math teacher for the 2021-22 school year. 1 aide x $19,742 average salary = $19,742.20 plus ERE benefits: $1,974.22 =$21,716.42
TOTAL: ($21,716.42 + $25,208.00) = $46,924.42
Student subgroups/population addressed academically are as follows: economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, English learners, students experiencing homelessness. The other subgroups not mentioned and identified in the description are currently not enrolled but will be served if they are present at the school.
Evidence Based Practices used are from ""Evidence Review and Effective Practices Brief" and include: Pg.7
CORE FUNCTION: Curriculum, Assessment and Instructional Planning.
EFFECTIVE PRACTICE: Assess Student Learning Frequently.
-The school assesses each student at least 3 times each year
to determine progress toward standards-based objectives.
-The school provides all teachers timely reports of results
from standardized and objectives-based assessments.
-The school maintains a central database that includes each
student's test scores, placement information, demographic
information, attendance, behavior indicators, and other
variables useful to teachers.
-All teachers assess student progress frequently using a
variety of evaluation methods and maintain a record of the
Frequent assessment of student mastery through formative assessment approaches is well supported by research (e.g., Hattie, 2016).
La Tierra contracted with the Yavapai County Education Service Agency to provide a school social worker to address the social and emotional needs of our students. The social worker provided additional services throughout the SY 2020-2021 using other funds.
Student subgroups/population social and emotional needs are as follows: economically disadvantaged, students with disabilities, English learners, students experiencing homelessness. The other subgroups not mentioned and identified in the description are currently not enrolled but will be served if they are present at the school.
Evidence Based Practices used are from ""Evidence Review and Effective Practices Brief" and include: Pg.18
CORE FUNCTION: Personalized Learning: Social/Emotional Competency
EFFECTIVE PRACTICE: Provide instruction, modeling, classroom norms, and caring attention that promotes students' self-respect, management of emotions, concern for others, and responsibility.
The School Community Council ensures that all parents understand social/emotional competency and their role in enhancing their children's growth in
(1) understanding and managing emotions,
(2)setting and achieving positive goals,
(3) feeling and showing empathy for others,
(4) establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and
(5) making responsible decisions. The School Community Council ensures that all volunteers understand social/emotional competency and their roles relative to its
enhancement in students. All teachers and teacher teams plan instruction with a curriculum
guide that includes objectives for social/emotional competency. All staff conducting co-curricular programs fulfill the purposes of the programs including appropriate elements of social/emotional competency.
The school selects, implements, and evaluates evidenced-based programs that enhance social/ emotional competency. The school's key documents explain the value of social/ emotional competency and how it is enhanced through specific roles and relationships. The school promotes social/ emotional competency in school rituals and routines, such as morning announcements, awards assemblies, hallway and classroom wall displays, and student competitions.
All teachers teach and reinforce positive social skills, self-respect, relationships, and responsibility for the consequences of decisions and actions.
All teachers establish classroom norms for personal responsibility, cooperation, and concern for others.
All teachers are attentive to students' emotional states, guide students in managing their emotions, and arrange for supports and interventions when necessary.
All teachers use cooperative learning methods and encourage questioning, seeking help from others, and offering help to others.