Kaizen Education Foundation dba Advance U
All student success rates will be monitored by school staff and if progress is not seen, adjustments will be made to instruction and interventions as needed per individual student in order to increase academic achievement All student behavior referral rates will be monitored by school staff, and if needs arise, new Social Emotional supports will be given to reduce behavior incidents and increase academic achievement in classes.
Setaside funds will be used to provide summer enrichment activities, specials activities, school counseling, and Thrively software in order to assist with academic and social emotional learning loss experienced due to COVID pandemic. All students will receive these services including but not limited to those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 such as low-income families, students of all races and genders, children with disabilities, English learners, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care.
Remaining funds will be used to provide technology-enhanced instruction (ScreenCastify, laptops, i-Ready software, NWEA professional development), supplemental instructional materials (books), and mitigation of COVID spread (outdoor space, tables).