Homeless Education Program Monitoring & Compliance
Why is our Homeless Education Program being monitored?
The State Education Agency (SEA) must monitor Local Education Agencies (LEAs) in coordination with local McKinney-Vento Homeless Liaisons to ensure compliance with the requirements of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. § 11432 (f)(5) & 20 U.S.C. 6312 §1112(b)(6)).
The Homeless Education Program (HEP) Team will conduct this federally required program monitoring virtually, electronically, and on-site. LEAs will be provided notification of monitoring via email and EMAC ahead of the opening of the monitoring window.
What is EMAC?
EMAC (Educational Monitoring, Assistance, and Compliance) is the Arizona Department of Education’s (ADE’s) online portal for monitoring LEAs. Please reference the EMAC Desktop Monitoring Manual for support in navigating and completing desk-top monitoring tasks.
HEP Monitoring Resources:
- 23-24 C1 HEP Monitoring Guide - This guide provides instructions, requirements, and details necessary for the completion of the HEP monitoring program.
- HEP Monitoring Documentation Guidance - This resource provides a list of required documentation that must be uploaded into EMAC, along with document title formatting requirements.
- EMAC Desktop Monitoring Manual - This manual provides user instructions for navigating and completing monitoring requirements in EMAC.
If you have any questions regarding HEP Monitoring, please reach our office at [email protected].