Higley Unified School District
Purchase of 95% Phonics Core Classroom Program and systemically implement a research-based phonics program and supports the learning loss initiative resulting from the COVID pandemic. This program will be implemented across all nine elementary schools to address the needs of all students in particular those disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 including English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care and migratory students.
Additionally, district elementary schools have access to Tier 2 and Tier 3 intervention programs (Reading A-Z, Lexia, etc.) that provide opportunities for students who need additional support to receive intensive double-dosed interventions.
Summer school will address the lowest 25% of our students. District benchmark data will be collected towards the end of the year. A strategic plan will be developed to invite those students with the greatest need based on data. Teachers will be given focus standards based on the data and focus on those skills during summer school. Professional development for the summer school teachers will also be offered.
Data benchmarks/assessments (Acadience, CBAS) will be used to determine which students would benefit from additional interventions. These same assessments will be used to progress-monitor student progress towards mastery of state standards. Additionally, schools embrace the PLC process and use Common Formative Assessments to regularly measure student progress and make needed adjustments to instruction in a timely manner.