Glendale Union High School District
By having additional summer school, GUHSD will ensure students are able to master the content they missed. Students will be able to attend summer school and work on the areas that they are yet to be proficient in. Funding will be used to will be used to pay GUHSD teachers to teach these summer programs.
The summer school programs will be available for ALL student populations including special education and EL students. This would include our largest subgroup populations of Hispanic and Black students that are in need of additional interventions. Furthermore, any student experiencing homelessness along with foster care will be able to attend.
Evidence-Based Practice = Extended Learning Opportunities for Students. See evidence-based form in related documents. Evidence-Based: Learning loss will be supported by Read 180 and ACT Test Prep (ELA / Math) for Gen Edu students. System 44 will be used for Special Education and Rosetta stone will serve to support EL students
Besides summer school our extended day opportunities, our instructional teams will review the results of unit pre-/post-assessments to make decisions about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their early mastery of objectives will be invited to these opportunities. If needed, students will receive interventions during after school hours. This could also include offering additional online courses to students as part of a night school program. Funding will be used to pay teachers to teach these opportunities
Besides needing teachers and instructional assistants to support student mastery of content, we will need someone to help organize all of these opportunities. Funding will pay for a Coordinator to coordinate these extended learning opportunities on the different campuses. This would also include helping organize different teachers to run different enrichment activities or coaches to run additional sports programs. Example enrichment activities could include the arts, STEM, or different club activities. The coordinator would also help with interventions. We understand the more students are involved in enrichment and sports activities the better their social and emotional state. GUHSD Teachers will be hired. Evidence-Based Practice = Extended Learning Opportunities for Students. See evidence-based form in related documents.
Additionally, we will employ instructional assistants. These Instructional Assistants will help support the extended learning opportunities of students. They will help support the instructional teams by helping review the results of unit pre-/post-tests to help support decisions about the curriculum and instructional plans and to "red flag" students in need of intervention (both students in need of interventions or extra help and students needing enhanced learning opportunities because of their need for early mastery of objectives).
By having our schools open later into the evening and summer additional supplies including utilities will be needed. We will also need additional paper, pens, pencils, etc. All above programs would be available for ALL student populations including special education and EL students. This would include our largest subgroup populations of Hispanic and Black students that are in need of additional academic supports.
GUHSD expects all students to participate in activities to develop skills outside of the classroom (e.g., service learning, athletics, enrichment, internships). Funds would help to cover the pay for coaches, assistant coaches, and enrichment coordinators to run our before, after, and summer sports and enrichment programs and camps. The more students are involved the better their social and emotional state. Students feel connected to something outside of school. This also allows for more peer and adult interactions.
We would once again hire GUHSD Coaches and teachers to run these activities.
Additionally, we would hire Assistant Coaches to help support the coaches during these opportunities. Supplies would be needed to run the open gym, camps, and enrichment activities. Supplies would include any equipment related to these activities. This would also include the Utilities/Water/Supplies to run the programs. These extended sports and enrichment programs would be available for ALL student populations including special education and EL students. Any student wanting to participate would be allowed. This would include our largest subgroup populations of Hispanic and Black students wanting to participate. Furthermore, any student experiencing homelessness along with foster care students would be included.
Furthermore, by having additional Contracted Social Workers Services we would be able to support additional outreach services for our identified Tier III intervention students. Contracted social worker services would support students in need. Currently, GUHSD has a social worker at all sites, but we understand that there will be an increased need for more supports. By utilizing contracted social worker services, we can pull back services in order to ensure sustainability when grant funds run out. These would be students that our employed social workers believe are in need of additional supports and are referred with parent permission. This could also include an outside agency coming onto campus and providing additional supports.
All students experiencing additional needed services would be included in those receiving additional supports. As teachers, counselors, and social workers identify students needing additional supports, these services would be provided. This would include special education, EL, homelessness, foster, and our largest subgroup populations of Hispanic and Black students.
Besides offering supports during the school day, social worker supports would be added to our Extended Day and Summer School programs. Students who are identified through a referral process would be connected with our social workers during these times.
All students experiencing needed services would be included in those receiving additional supports. As teachers, counselors, and social workers identify students needing additional supports, these services would be provided. This would include special education, EL, homelessness, foster, and our largest subgroup populations of Hispanic and Black students. This would include any supplies that were needed