Institutional Recommendation
Congratulations! Your institution has recommended you for certification!
You are now ready to complete the application process. To ensure that your application is processed in a timely manner please ensure the following steps are completed.
AzEDCert application process with an IR:
- Ensure that your IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card is valid.
- Verify that your IVP Fingerprint card is valid, this is visible below your name.
- If your IVP card is not valid or is not registering with ADE please contact the Arizona Department of Public Safety at 602-223-2279.
- Confirm with DPS that your SSN is on file and is correct.
- Confirm that Teacher Certification is checked on your file as the sponsor.
- Ensure that you meet the testing requirements.
- If you have taken exams through Pearson and had them reported to Arizona, you may review what we have on file by viewing your Educator Details in AzEDCert.
- If you are meeting an exam requirement through a degree not listed on your IR or another option, please review Submitting Documents.
- Official transcripts are NOT necessary if you are meeting a subject knowledge exam requirement with a degree documented on your IR.
- Please review your requested certificate requirements for more information about meeting exam requirements.
- Review testing requirements here.
- If you have received a copy of your IR, please scan both sides of your IR and save as a PDF, png, jpg, or gif file and upload the recommendation.
- When you are ready, select "Click here to apply..." on the banner to continue the application process.
- Your recommend certificate and/or endorsements will already be selected, if this does not match your paper IR contact your institution to have the correct information submitted.
- Upload the scanned copy of your IR during the application process, if available.
- Complete the application process and remit the appropriate fee.
- $30 per certificate and endorsement.
- Fees are covered under your scholarship if you are an Arizona Teachers Academy (ATA)) recipient.
- Check status/Receiving your certificate:
- You may check the status of your application through AzEDCert by clicking the "Open Applications" or "Closed Applications" tabs.
- Once your certificate is issued, it will be listed in your Educator Details.
- The official certificate will arrive within 5-10 days via regular mail to the address you provided when applying.