CTE Grants
Find your Grant Program Specialist's Important Dates and Deadlines
These resources apply to both the Perkins V and CTE State Priority grants.
- How to Complete the Budget in CTE Grants
- CTE Equipment Guidelines
- Chart of Accounts and Expense Classifications
- CTE Quick Reference Guide
- How to Do a Grant Revision
- Allowable and Unallowable Expense Chart
Grant Training
- Secondary LEAs Grant Training - 3/23/23 - PowerPoint ~ Video
- Postsecondary LEAs Grant Training - 3/24/23 - PowerPoint ~ Video
Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century (Perkins V)
CLNA Training
- Year 2 of the CLNA Process 4/16/24
- Postsecondary LEAs CLNA Training - 1/19/23
- Secondary LEAs CLNA Training - 1/18/23
- CLNA Presentation Materials 11/3/22
Secondary-level Arizona Local Education Agencies (LEAs) - which includes public school districts, public charter schools, and private, non-profit charter schools - are eligible to apply for the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century grant (also known as Perkins V).
- Step 1: Review the Application Process
- Step 2: Submit the Intent to Apply form
- Application opens on July 1st
CTE State Priority
The CTE State Priority grant is calculated using CTE student enrollment (75% of total allocation) and related placements (25% of total allocation). For each funding year, enrollment in the immediate prior fiscal year is used and related placements in the second prior fiscal year are used to calculate State Priority funding.
Enrollment-based Funding (75%) + Related Placement-based Funding (25%) = Total District Funding
Contact us
Gina Schmitz
CTE Grants Supervisor
(602) 542-5356
[email protected]