Career Awareness
Career Awareness Standards
- Grades K-5 - Download
The Arizona Career Literacy Standards were created in 2019 and updated and renamed Career Awareness for Grades K-5 in December 2024. The standards prepare students for middle school career exploration. This update includes the knowledge and skills needed for employment and career discovery opportunities.
Possible Futures Curriculum, Center for the Future of Arizona (CFA):
Free, interactive lessons developed with the guidance of Arizona elementary teachers and aligned to the AZ Career Literacy Standards. Lenses on the Future – Self, Security, and Society
- Grades K-2 students learn about their individual identity, set personal goals, develop problem-solving skills, and explore careers that support their community.
- Grades 3-5 students learn more about their interests and strengths, explore how they can use those to contribute to society and chart a path to future career success.
Contact CFA College and Career Pathways Director, Cindy Erwin, at [email protected] to learn more!
Junior Achievement of AZ-JA Inspire: Free career development program aligned to AZ Career Literacy Standards.
American School Counselor Association (ASCA): Elementary School Career Conversations
"If you woke up tomorrow and were an adult, what career would you like to have?" English ~ Spanish
Arizona Science Center (Grades K-8): Guides and Curriculum
Free resources to color and display on the refrigerator for at-home career discussions!
Career Discovery Corner: Elementary Librarian Activities designed by Arizona K-5 Librarians and tied to K-5 Career Literacy Standards
Career Trek: This K- 5th Grade adventure has a stop along the way for each grade that engages students with games, interactive art, and multimedia features. Scaffolded vocabulary and activities introduce and reinforce evidence-based career development concepts.
Defined Careers K-5: Students have a day in the life experience of different careers in their community and beyond. The hands-on products provide opportunities to connect classroom skills to the real world.
American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture: Free downloadable activities and agricultural education materials
iCEV Online Career: Exploration Lessons: Introduction to career clusters and pathways.
My American Farm: Free and fun agriculture discovery activities.
TeachSTEM: Explorers-Arizona Educational Foundation: Free lessons on career exploration and STEM careers.
Virtual Job Shadow Junior: Interactive Career Exploration Platform for K-5 students
Please note: The Arizona Department of Education does not endorse curriculum. The curricular resources on this webpage are posted for teacher consideration and offer instructional ideas to teach Career Awareness.