Catalina Foothills Unified District
Schools will use benchmark and diagnostic assessments to assess student learning and prioritize instruction of essential skills to accelerate learning. They will provide extended day, supplemental learning, and targeted learning during the school day to support students' academic achievement and social and emotional needs. Schools will use data and criteria to rank order and select students for extended day interventions, supplemental during the day interventions, and targeted support during summer school interventions, focusing on students and subgroups of students disproportionately impacted by by the COVID-19 pandemic. These students include English learners, students with disabilities, students and youth in foster care, students in major racial and ethnic subgroups, students from low income families, students experiencing homelessness, and other students who are at high risk of not meeting the academic standards. Data criteria and rank ordering will be used to select students for participation. Schools will actively recruit students in special subgroups. Teachers will focus on building relationships and making connections with students and their families using an asset-based approach. They will identify the barriers and obstacles that may hinder or prevent students and families from participating in supplemental support programs. Counselors will support students with classroom-based lessons on social and emotional learning topics and meet with students individually, as needed. Educators will work collaboratively in teams at the school to meet the needs of students. Administrators will support teachers and staff in the development of and implementation of strategies to provide social and emotional support as part of regular classroom practice (e.g., focusing on growth mindset, using culturally responsive teaching and learning practices, CASEL's SEL competencies), and connecting with and embracing parents as partners. Schools will find alternative ways to communicate with families if traditional approaches are not working.