Buckeye Elementary District
We have proposed a budget that heavily invests in acquisition of learning supports such as 95% Group Core Phonics, Florida Virtual and Canvas to support students in person and online. Additionally, our budget includes funding for a comprehensive summer programming option that will benefit the students in BESD for subsequent years in order to address learning loss, focusing on key subgroups identified through TSI (special education, EL, and african american students). Inclusive of that programming is the addition of a counselor/social worker during the summer school sessions to provide SEL support for students and families. Evidenced-based programming includes 95% Group materials to address phonic and literacy skill development for students as well as core academic programming such as McGraw Hill and Glenco Mathematics (powerpoint uploaded into related documents which reflects research conducted to determine program effectiveness - slides 12 & 16). Additionally, Reading A to Z is included as a support students through an online reading library. The CASEL framework, including CASEL competencies is a basis for SEL programming when looking at student need as well as the 2nd Step Curriculum.
Further support for Social Emotional Learning is targeted through the use of the Aperture System (DESSA mini SEL screener) to collect district-wide data on student SEL needs so that all staff can invest in developing those competencies for students. The DESSA mini is based upon CASEL Competencies and helps us identify student need as related to these competencies. After school intervention/tutoring for students is a key investment in this grant to support learning loss and students who have experienced quarantine and need a boost to support learning. Each school will be allocated tutoring hours on a yearly basis in order to use data to identify students for support. We have also budgeted for training of teachers to ensure they are equipped with the important skills necessary to build relationships with students, provide effective instruction, differentiate instruction using current assessment data and intervene on the needs identified through assessment. Our assessment platform will allow us to disaggregate data for the purpose of identifying struggling students and subgroups.