College Credit Exam Fee Waivers
The Arizona Legislature has appropriated funding for full test fee waivers for certain students taking Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme, and Cambridge Assessment International Education (CIE) A-Level and AS-Level exams, starting in SY2021-2022. This program helps supports Arizona's Achieve60AZ postsecondary attainment goal, which strives to ensure that 60 percent of working adults in Arizona have a certificate or college degree by 2030. Since students exposed to higher learning opportunities such as advanced placement classes, dual enrollment and early college experiences are more likely to pursue a postsecondary education, this initiative intends to increase the number of college graduates, as well as create a more diverse, knowledgeable and innovative workforce in Arizona.
AP fee waivers are processed via a direct agreement between ADE and the College Board. Schools following the instructions below should not see any fees associated with those exams.
IB and CIE fee waivers are reimbursements to the schools themselves. IB and CIE schools must submit their test enrollment data to ADE in order to receive a reimbursement for those exams.
The Exam Fee Waiver program IS ACTIVE for the 24-25 school year.
Increased prices for exams will be included in the Exam Fee Waiver program, with the continued expectation that low-income students will bear no individual financial responsibility for eligible exams.