Antelope Union High School District
The district will maintain a multi-tiered system of supports for all students to address learning loss and accelerate the academic achievement of all students. The district will be using funds to accelerate and enrich learning for students through the purchase of an evidence-based curriculum (Edgenuity). Students will also have access to Concept Coaching provided through Edgenuity which provides real time academic assistance from a live teacher. While students are working in the program on academic content, they may access immediate assistance by clicking a link on the page to receive help completing their academic assignments. Students can access the program regardless of whether they are in-person learning or in a remote learning situation. In addition, purchasing additional hot spots will provide access to students in maintaining their academic program and/or access to needed instructional interventions. The continuation of the counselor will provide students with both academic and social emotional support in dealing with the impact of Covid 19