MCCCD on behalf of Phoenix College Preparatory Academy
We will use the set aside funds for two different reasons. We will use the set aside funds to pay salary/benefits of a social worker and salary/benefits of four FT summer school credit recovery instructors.
Hiring a school social worker will strengthen support in school settings; provide advice and support to students, parents and staff; support earlier identification of children requiring social work intervention; and through this, facilitate better relationships and improve outcomes. Offering credit recovery classes to our high school students, permits students to make up courses that they have previously failed due to excessive absences, inability to grasp the content, or other factors associated with academic failure (Evidence Review and Effective Practices Briefs - The expected outcome of the part-time social worker is to oversee family-school relationships and help parents to be better equipped to support their student's learning at home.
PCPA will also use ESSER III funding to employ four certified PCPA teachers in order to provide summer school in person for 5 hours daily (4 days per week) to low-income students with failing grades which will address unfinished learning due to COVID-19. The available courses will be: two Math and two English. Teachers will use benchmark student assessment data (Using Student Achievement Data to Support Instructional Decision Making -What Works Clearing House) to develop their curriculum which will use evidence-based WICOR strategies of writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, as well as the evidence-based IXL math program and Reading-Plus reading platforms. Curricula will also incorporate metacognitive self-assessment routines into their instruction to promote motivational competency as outlined by Vanderbilt University's various research-based practices (Bransford, John D., Brown Ann L., and Cocking Rodney R. (2000). How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.). Schoology will also be used as a digital learning platform to support blended learning with student's 1:1 devices (Evidence Review and Effective Practices Briefs - https://live-az The expected outcome of the summer program will be to bridge the learning gap of students who have fallen far behind due to COVID-19.