Math and Science Success Academy, Inc.
The school safety plan again outlined procedures to most safely return to instruction, while supporting the increasing academic, social emotional, and other needs of AMS Students. AMS placed an emphasis on supporting the most at risk students by ensuring coverage in event of teacher illness or vacancy, In addition, the site was given Math and ELA Interventionist FTEs to support student learning gaps, provide intervention, and support student learning. The EL Student Population will have an additional EL interventionist to target learning loss in this high risk student group. The LEA offers a long instructional day and there will be more interventionist pull out. The ESSER Funding was allocated to Intercession learning in the form of summer school and off contract time for instructional staff to target low income students/high need students identified by assessments. Interventionists and summer school instruction will use Mc Graw Hill Open court, Saxon math, Corrective Reading, Rewards, and Phonics for Reading- which have been approved by admin in the AMS intervention manual. Also, the counselor will support social emotional learning and academic needs of students at the sites. There has not been a counselor at the site before the school safety and recovery plan.