Fit Kids, Inc. dba Champion Schools
We serve a diverse student population at all of our schools. These students fall into the categories mentioned above: low income, students of color, English Learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness and children in foster care. Our planned interventions within the required 20% under the ARP Act address the academic impact by providing additional tutoring during and after school hours, intervention services during school hours and remedial and enrichment classes after school and academic interventions for struggling students during Saturday School. All students will be assessed during the first weeks of school to determine what services they will be recommended for in addition to their regular school day. All of our students participate in supplemental educational services. In addition student mental health is important because of the increased exposure to trauma that this pandemic has caused. Therefore, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) classes are big provided by our social worker assistants. Our goal is to address any barriers that students may have in accessing the full curriculum at the appropriate level for them to perform academically. Nutrition and physical activity or lack of activity during this last pandemic year has created barriers and health issues for students which we will also address in our nutrition, and physical development programs.
The evidence based strategies are Open Court Reading Programs, Repeated Reading Practices, Peer Assisted Learning Strategies, Concept Mapping, Formative Assessment and Teacher Efficacy.