Creighton Elementary District
To address the academic impact of lost instructional time on all students, including those in identified sub-groups, the district will implement the following interventions:
- Extended learning time for enrichment and tutoring before and after school as well as during Summer School camps.
- Intensification Learning Pods focusing on K-4 and 5-8 reading, English language arts, mathematics and English language acquisition.
For the above interventions, staff will analyze Spring 21 state test results as well as district benchmark assessment data to determine the academic placement of all students. This data will help to identify specific learning needs of students so that small group can be formed and instruction differentiated according to need. Each school will ensure that PLC's are scheduled to allow teachers to meet with grade level peers to review data, discuss progress and identify areas where continued differentiation is required. The district will administer three benchmark assessments in reading and math (fall, winter, spring) and the data will be analyzed and used by teachers during PLC's to inform planning for instruction. Summer school teachers will analyze the data gathered over the course of the year as well as the results from the Spring 22 state assessment to identify the continuing academic needs of students and to plan for implementation of strategies that ensure differentiation. During implementation of the Learning Pods, district and site administrators and instructional leadership teams will conduct classroom walkthroughs for the purpose of collecting data on student engagement. The Educational Services Team led by the Chief Academic Officer will schedule Quarterly Data Talks with each principal to discuss observations of classroom Walkthroughs and review/discuss assessment data results. Support will be provided to extend teacher efficacy through Tiered coaching using the plan, observe and debrief model.
Social Emotional Needs and Interventions:
To address the social emotional and equity needs of students, including those in identified sub-groups, the district will expand our partnership with Southwest Behavioral Health to include a greater focus meeting the needs of students and families who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Services include at school group and individual sessions, as well as in-home counseling services when needed. SBH staff will work collaboratively with school level staff to identify students and families to be served and to collect data to determine the impact of the service on the social emotional health of our students.
The District is also utilizing ESSER III funds to establish a Child Justice & Advocacy Team. This team includes 12 unique positions that will work together with existing staff and outside experts to provide regular social-emotional learning experiences for students, as well as professional development for teachers and staff on how to implement culturally responsive and trauma sensitive practices.
The district administered school climate self-assessments to students and teachers last year to use as baseline data for the purpose of analyzing the results to build more positive, equitable, and supportive environments for student learning. SEL skills are critical to school, career, and life success. The assessment tools help you measure and support each students' soft skills like growth mindset, self-efficacy, social awareness, and self-management. This tool will be administered during the 2021-22 school year to help us assess the impact of the Child Justice & Advocacy Teams.
The District has also established an Approved Online Instruction provider (AOI), Creighton Virtual Academy, which is available to students in all grade levels and provides the option for full-time, connected learning experiences that balance both synchronous and asynchronous learning. In addition, the District has adopted an Alternative Instructional Time model that allows students to remain connected to their home schools, teachers, and peers when remote learning is necessary for short periods of time due to COVID-19 related circumstances. Assessment data will be collected and analyzed to determine the academic progress of students engaged in online learning. Creighton Virtual Academy teachers will be support by an instructional coach as well as a technology integration coach.