American Charter Schools Foundation d.b.a. Estrella High School
The LEA will utilize the 20% set-aside to target practices and interventions that address the learning loss experienced by subgroups most impacted by COVID-19 (those that qualify as low-income, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, children in foster care, and migratory students); due to the socio-economic status of the school population, all students may benefit from these targeted practices. The remaining funds will be used to provide additional services that allow for enhanced learning opportunities, space and technology for social distance, and other items which will enable the school to remain open after the initial shutdowns from the crisis.
Setaside funds will be used to reimburse teachers for their work during summer enrichment in order to address learning loss, social worker to assist students with trauma and social/emotional issues due to COVID. Due to the demographics of the LEA, all students will receive this assistance, but highest priority will be given to students who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 such as low-income families, students of all races and genders, children with disabilities, English learners, migratory students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care. In addition, the LEA will use set aside funds to assist students with disabilities (iReady) and English Learners (Edge).
Remaining funds will be used to provide access to dropout prevention specialist, college career advisor, ACT PrepFactory, SEI Edge in order to assist students with finishing high school and making plans for their future. Technology and curriculum will be provided through an online personal learning program as well as HMH Into Math, IXL, ThinkCerca, i-Ready and chromebooks. Student and teacher enrollment and staffing loss due to COVID-19 will be addressed with services from a marketing specialist, social media and digital ads, postcards mailers, website hosting, and search engine marketing.