Edge School, Inc., The
The overall MTSS program at Edge focuses on academic and social emotional target data that identifies those students most at risk based on their academic score level and behavioral patterns of attendance and discipline. The MTSS data collection occurs for all students, of which at Edge, over 60% are from low-income families, and as an alternative high school program, over 90% of Edge students enter behind grade level in graduation credits based on their cohort. IXL is used as a primary intervention applied to all Tier 2 and Tier 3 students through a secondary elective course in math and English language arts with additional one on one support, all Tier 1 students (all students at the school) also complete IXL skill development at their identified skill level in their core content class. MTSS and IXL are an approved evidence based intervention.
Base Education curriculum is provided through a direct instruction elective to students most directly impacted by the pandemic as priority students facing Tier 2 and Tier 3 risk levels in attendance and discipline or known out of school instability (unaccompanied youth, students in foster care and known mental health as identified in individual counseling, 504s and IEP review). Base includes pre and post assessments on behavior patterns from each lesson that can be used to track student growth and knwledge as well as tracking attendance behavior patterns.
Summer School - Offering no cost summer school allows participation to all Edge students and prioritizes students impacted by COVID who were unable to complete courses during the school year from attendance loss (illness, caring for family or social/emotional barriers of distance learning). In addition, summer school instruction is provided by Edge teachers who are already connected to students. Both in person and distance learning options will be provided to best support access. The special education aide will also support learning by working directly with students with disabilities.
School Counselor - The onsite school counselor will meet with students to support their social emotional health and identify and support interventions for barriers to academic success. The counselors works directly with identified sub groups of low-income families, students with 504/IEP accommodations for counseling support services, major racial and ethnic groups, students in foster care and students with chronic absenteeism.