Family Engagement
Family engagement assists students in achieving academically. By understanding family’s needs we can assist them through facilitating opportunities to support family connections to learning.
The Arizona 21st CCLC team has created frameworks to assist program leaders and their community to better understand key elements of successful 21st CCLC program implementation. Click here for the Family Engagement Framework
Flamboyan Foundation - Search 5 Family Engagement Tool Kits: Academic Partnering Tool Kit for Teachers, Beginning of the Year Relationship Building Tool Kit, Newsletter Tool Kit, and Academic Partnering Follow-up Tool Kit for many resources and templates.
Family Engagement Activities (PDF)
Promising Partnership Practices- Download the PDF of this book for free. The latest book includes 70 practices from sites all across the United States that have successful practices.
SEDL (National Center for Quality Afterschool) Family Events Toolkit- Complete guidance for running Family Engagement events in Literacy, Math, Science, Arts, Technology, and Homework).
Family Engagement, Language, and Literacy Webinar Series- presented by Head Start/ECLKC
Improving Family Engagement, Flamboyan Foundation - Building Effective Family Engagment
Shared Responsibilities & Leadership
Arizona Department of Education (ADE Parent Gateway Resources) Resources to assist parents with preparing their student(s) for success in school and life.
Common Sense Media- Resources to assist parents and educators in teaching youth how to thrive in the digital age with free, research-backed lessons and information.
National Network of Partnership School - Established at Johns Hopkins University under the leadership of Dr. Joyce Epstein. See templates and success stories using the NNPS Mode
Transforming Schools Through Family, School, and Community Engagement- presented by SEDL and archived on YouTube.
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