Summer Meal Service
The United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) Seamless Summer Option (SSO), provides kids and teens in low-income areas free snacks and/or meals when school is out.
There are a number of ways that schools and local organizations can be a part of providing summer meals.
Thank you for your interest in helping to feed children in your community as a sponsor in the Summer Food Service Program! Community organizations new to operating the SFSP can start the process by completing the SFSP Prospective Entity Form.
Schools and community organizations interested in becoming a site that serves summer meals should contact Health and Nutrition Services to confirm the site is in an eligible area. Request information by email at [email protected] or by phone 602-542-8700.
Visit or text "FOOD" or "COMIDA" to 304-304 to find a nearby site.
ALL summer operators wishing to utilize this waiver must opt into it. Operators will opt into this waiver by completing the Demonstration Project for Non-Congregate Feeding for Outdoor Summer Sites Experiencing Excessive Heat Participation Form and submitting this form to [email protected]. By opting into this waiver, sites will be permitted to conduct a non-congregate meal service on days when the National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory, Excessive Heat Warning or Excessive Heat Watch for the area where the site is located. The participating operator will be required to track and report to HNS the number of meals served under this flexibility in the survey link provided below, and keep documentation supporting the Excessive Heat Warning/Watch from the National Weather Service.
Coming soon
Children need good nutrition, all year long. Schools have the option to operate Summer Food Service Program, the Seamless Summer Option, and the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs, to provide nutritious meals, after the regular school year ends.
Which program will be the best option for serving meals to children in your community? To help you decide, we have created a fact sheet to review the three feeding options.
USDA is implementing regulatory changes to the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) regulations that simplify program requirements for SFSP program operators, improve the customer experience for participating children and families, and strengthen the integrity of the program. Many provisions codified through this final rule were previously allowed as program flexibilities and are demonstrated to facilitate program administration and service delivery for children and their families. This rule is effective Oct. 1, 2022. Compliance with the provisions of this rule must begin May 1, 2023.
- Federal Register Notice of Final Rule
- Streamlining Requirements and Improving Integrity in the SFSP Final Rule - Comparison Chart
- SSO: Lunch/Supper Meal Pattern (3-day, 4-day, 5-day, 6-day, 7-day)
- SSO: Breakfast Meal Pattern (3-day, 4-day, 5-day, 6-day, 7-day)
- SSO Snack Meal Pattern
- SFSP: Breakfast, Lunch/Supper and Snack Meal Pattern
The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) conducts Administrative Reviews (ARs) of all School Food Authorities (SFAs) and Community Organizations (COs) operating the Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option. The review schedule will be released this summer.
USDA Manuals and Guides
- Administrative Guidance for Sponsors
- USDA Nutrition Guide for SFSP
- USDA Capacity Builder
- USDA Summer Meals Toolkit
- Summer Food, Summer Moves Resource Kit
- Summer Food, Summer Moves: Operator's Activity Guide
USDA Reference Sheets
HNS Reference Sheets
- Appeal Procedures
- Hearing Procedures for Camps
- Procedures for Complaints of Discrimination
- Example of How to Complete the Daily Meal Count Form (Correct) (Incorrect)
- Summer Feeding Options for Schools Factsheet
- Summer Meal Service Site Eligibility
Summer Farm Fresh Challenge
Each June, HNS invites all operators to participate in the Farm Fresh Challenge during their summer meal programs. The challenge is an initiative designed to empower summer program operators to cultivate excitement around fresh and locally sourced foods. Participating operators must complete a series of challenges that promote the tasting, teaching, and connection of participants to foods local to Arizona.
Follow along to complete the Summer 2024 Farm Fresh Challenge
Turnip the Beet! High Quality Summer Meals Award Program
Each summer USDA recognizes outstanding Summer Meal Program sponsors who work hard to offer appetizing, appealing, and nutritious meals. The Turnip the Beet Award was created to showcase sponsors who are going above and beyond to ensure that children in their care are receiving high-quality meals that are both nutritious and appetizing. Nominations must be sent to HNS by September 30.