Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report
The latest Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report is posted in the accordion below. Beginning SY 21-22, the report will contain a narrative that outlines the use of school meal data (including annual determinations and Special Provision Options), as well as an explanation of the free and reduced-price calculation.
Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report SY 2022-2023
Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report SY 2021-2022 File updated on 3/24/2022
During School Year (SY) 20-21 there was a significant decline in the number of SFAs who reported free and reduced-price lunch eligibility data as part of operating the National School Lunch Program (NSLP). This decline was largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) waivers, which includes Child Nutrition Response #59: Nationwide Waiver to Allow Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) Operations through School Year 2020-2021 – EXTENSION. Operation of SFSP/SSO does not require the use of free and reduced-price eligibility as all meals are provided at no cost and are reimbursed at the same rate, thus making the collection of individual income eligibility unnecessary. Most SFAs continued SFSP/SSO operation during SY 20-21. Therefore, the Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report for SY 20-21 contains very limited data reflecting only those SFAs who continued with NSLP operation during SY 20-21. For SY 20-21, the Free and Reduced-Price Percentage Report can be requested on a case by case basis, by submitting a custom data request at The requester shall detail their needs for the free and reduced-price lunch eligibility data for SY 20-21.
If the above information is not applicable, please feel free to download the Excel or PDF version below.
Excel- File updated on 6/5/2020
PDF- File updated on 6/5/2020
If the above information is not applicable, please feel free to download the Excel or PDF version below.
Excel- published 04/23/2019
PDF- published 04/23/2019