MOWR Submissions
MOWR Submission Guidance for LEAs
The Arizona State Legislature appropriates approximately $45 million annually to elementary schools for the purpose of supporting effective reading instruction in grades K-3. To receive these additional funds, each school district and charter school is annually (as amended by HB2026) required to submit a literacy plan and triannual data for review and approval by the Arizona Department of Education Move on When Reading team.
Literacy Plans for 2024-2025 are due on or before October 1st, 2024
Literacy Assessment Data and Narratives are due on or before:
- October 1st (Window 1 opens by August 5)
- February 1st (Window 2 opens December 1)
- June 1st (Window 3 opens April 1)
Only one data window can be opened at a time. Once the window closes and a new data window opens, it is no longer accessible in your ADEConnect portal should you miss a deadline.
ADEConnect Setup and Permissions for MOWR 2024-2025
Directions for gaining access to the MOWR portal for school-level and LEA-level approvers who are new to MOWR. It is the responsibility of the LEA entity administrator to ensure up-to-date approvers. The MOWR team cannot update these permissions.
Contact ADESupport, Submit a Support Ticket, Find an Administrator and Frequently Asked Questions
Accessing the Move On When Reading Portal - ADEConnect and Applications Video
MOWR School Literacy Plan Guidance 2024-2025
Step-by-step guidance:
(this is the first step in a multi-step process)
- Accessing the MOWR portal as the School Approver
- Entering school-level information
- Submitting a school literacy plan to district/charter LEA Approver
This school submission (even for single-site charters/districts) does not go directly to ADE. An LEA Approver will now need to review and accept each school plan prior to submitting to ADE. See the LEA section below, for the next steps.
- School-level Access and Roles
- Core Reading Program
- Intervention Reading Program
- Assessment Plan
- Professional Development Plan
- Final Requirements
- Submitting the School-level Literacy Plan
MOWR LEA literacy plan guidance 2024-2025
Step-by-step guidance:
- Accessing the MOWR portal as the LEA Approver [LEA-level Access and Roles Support Video]
- Reviewing school plans [LEA-level Review and Acceptance Support Video]
- Accepting each plan for aggregation [LEA-level Review and Acceptance Support Video]
- Adding final district budget allocations
- Submitting to ADE [LEA-level Submission to ADE Support Video]
MOWR literacy assessment data submission 2024-2025
Literacy assessment data is submitted to the ADE three times per school year via the MOWR portal.
This data is due by October 1, February 1, and June 1 of each year. If your school or LEA misses a data submission due date and is no longer able to submit the data electronically, please contact Move On When Reading.
Step 1: School Approver Enters School Literacy Assessment Data
Step 2: LEA Approver Accepts for Aggregation and Submits to ADE
Revising a Rejected Literacy Plan 2024-2025
This document is intended to provide technical guidance for revising a MOWR Literacy Plan that has been rejected by the ADE MOWR team. Plans may be rejected when information is missing, incorrect, or not reflective of Arizona statutory requirements or best practices. As a reminder, MOWR funding is released to districts/charters upon the final approval of the MOWR Literacy Plan.
Revising a Rejected Literacy Assessment Data Submission 2024-2025
MOWR Curriculum Submission Guidance for Vendors
- All submissions for curriculum that use balanced literacy strategies will not be reviewed and do not qualify to be added to the vetted list.
- Only submissions for curriculum based on Science of Reading and Structured Literacy will be accepted and reviewed.
- The deadline for core reading program submissions is Oct. 1. New core reading submissions will not be reviewed between November and June.
ADE MOWR Curricula Revisions Letter
MOWR Vetted Core Program Submission
Intervention MOWR Vetted Programs Guidance
**The views and opinions expressed in any third-party resource do not necessarily reflect those of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and do not imply an endorsement by ADE.