Grants Management Common Acronyms
21st CCLC: | Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers |
AAC: | Arizona Administrative Code |
AAD: | Academic Achievement Division |
ABOR: | Arizona Board of Regents |
ACH: | Automated Clearing House |
ACHA: | American Clearing House Association |
ACSA: | Arizona Charter Schools Association |
ACSS: | Average Class Size Survey |
ADA: | Average Daily Attendance |
ADE: | Arizona Department of Education |
ADM: | Average Daily Membership |
ADS: | Active Directory Services |
AELAS: | Arizona Education Learning Accountability System |
AFIS: | Arizona Financial Information System |
AISN: | American Indian Student Needs |
ALEAT: | Arizona Local Education Agency Tracker |
APR: | Annual Performance Report |
AR: | Administrative Review |
ARP: | Accounting Responsibility Program |
ARS: | Arizona Revised Statutes |
ARU: | Application Round Up |
ASBCS: | Arizona State Board for Charter Schools |
ASPIRE: | Arizona Success by Promoting Readiness for Education |
AT: | Assistive Technology |
ATPA: | Arizona Teacher Performance Assessment |
AYP: | Adequate Yearly Progress |
AZ CSP: | Arizona Charter School Program |
AZEIP: | Arizona Early Intervention Program |
BA/S: | Before and After School |
BIA: | Bureau of Indian Affairs |
BIE: | Bureau of Indian Education |
BREAZ: | Business Re-Engineering Arizona |
CA/CAP: | Correction Action / Corrective Action Plan |
CACFP: | Child and Adult Food Program |
CCR: | Central Contractor Registration |
CCRS: | College and Career Readiness Standards |
CFDA: | Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance. Refers to the federal number assigned to each grant; Located on FAR Form (Funding Application Request) |
CFR: | Code of Federal Regulations |
CIP: | Continuous Improvement Plan |
CMO: | Charter Management Organization |
CNP: | Child Nutrition Program |
CNP Web: | |
CO: | Carryover |
COP: | Committee of Practitioners |
CSR: | Comprehensive School Reform |
CTDS: | Country, Type, District, Site. It is a 9-digit number and is used to identify a school, district, or charter holder (the subrecipient). |
CTE: | Career and Technical Education |
DAS: | Deputy Associate Superintendent |
DUNS: | Data Universal Numbering System |
ECE: | Early Childhood Education |
ECQUIP: | Early Childhood Quality Improvement Process |
ED: | U.S. Department of Education |
EDGAR: | Education Department General Administrative Regulations |
ELL: | English Language Learner |
EMO: | Education Management Organization |
ER (DER): | Expenditure Report (Detailed Expenditure Report) |
ESA: | Empowerment Student Award |
ESEA: | Elementary and Secondary Education Act |
ESS: | Exceptional Student Services |
ESY: | Expanded School Year |
FA: | Funding Application |
FAPE: | Free Appropriate Public Education |
FAQ: | Frequently Asked Questions |
FAR: | Funding Application Request Form required every year. |
FAY: | Fiscal Award Year |
FDCH: | Family Day Care Homes |
FFATA: | Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act |
FFVP: | Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program |
FIFO: | First In; First Out |
FPRS: | Food Program Reporting System |
FTE: | Full Time Employee/Full Time Equivalent |
GAN: | Grant Award Notification |
GAO: | General Accounting Office |
GM: | Grants Management |
GME: | Grants Management Enterprise System |
HQ: | Highly Qualified |
HS: | High School |
IDC: | Indirect Cost Rate |
IDCR: | Indirect Cost Rate Recovery |
IDEA: | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
IEP: | Individualized Education Plan |
IGA: | Intergovernmental Agreement |
INT: | Intercession |
IT: | Information Technology |
JOM: | Johnson-O’Malley |
JTED: | Joint Technical Education District |
K-SW: | Kindergarten – Schoolwide |
K-TA: | Kindergarten – Targeted Audience |
LEA: | Local Education Agency |
LEP: | Limited English Proficient |
MOE: | Maintenance of Effort |
MOWR: | Move on When Reading |
MSP: | Math and Science Partnership |
NCLB: | No Child Left Behind |
ND/N or D/N&D: | Neglected and/or Delinquent |
NNTO: | No Need to Open |
NRG: | Non-Regulatory Guidelines |
NSLP: | National School Lunch Program |
NTBO: | Not to Be Opened |
OAG: | Office of the Auditor General |
OCR: | Office of Civil Rights |
OELAS: | Office of English Language Acquisition Services |
OMB: | Office of Management and Budget |
OSEP: | Office of Special Education Programs |
OSER: | Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services |
OTE: | One Time Exception |
PA: | Program Area |
PD: | Professional Development |
PDG: | Preschool Development Grant |
PEA: | Public Education Agency |
PI/PO: | Pull In/Pull Out |
POP: | Primary Place of Performance |
POS: | Programs of Study |
PPA: | Per Pupil Amount |
PPC: | Program Period Code; Year of funding |
PROMISE: | Promoting Readiness of Minors in Supplemental Security Income |
REAP: | Rural Education Achievement Program |
RFA: | Request for Application |
RFP: | Request for Proposal |
RLIS: | Rural and Low-Income Schools |
ROF: | Return of Funds |
RR: | Reimbursement Request |
RSP: | Remaining Scheduled Payment |
RTC: | Regional Training Center |
RTI: | Response to Intervention |
RTTT: | Race to the Top |
SAHE: | State Agency of Higher Education |
SAIS: | Student Accountability Information System |
SAM: | System for Award Management |
SATS: | Saturday School |
SEA: | State Education Agency; In Arizona, ADE is the State Education Agency. |
SEI: | Structured English Immersion |
SFA: | School Food Authorities |
SFSF: | State Fiscal Stabilization Funds |
SFSP: | Summer Food School Program |
SI/SIG: | School Improvement / School Improvement Grant |
SIP: | School Improvement Plan |
SMART: | Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely |
SOW: | Scope of Work |
SPED: | Special Education |
SPOC: | Single Point of Contact |
SPP: | State Performance Plan |
SRO: | School Resource Officer |
SS: | Summer School |
SSO: | Seamless Summer Option |
SSP: | School Safety Program |
SSS: | Safe and Supportive Schools |
SSSO: | Secure Single Sign On |
SW/SWP: | School Wide/School Wide Plan |
TA/TAP: | Target Assistance/Targeted Assistance Plan |
UGG: | Uniform Grant Guidance |
USDA: | United States Department of Agriculture |
US-DOE: | United States Department of Education |
USFR: | Uniform System of Financial Records |
USFRC(S): | Uniform System of Financial Records for Charter Schools |
VPN: | Virtual Private Network |