Reporting Grade 9 CTED Students
- Mon, Feb 10 2025 •
- Data Hot Topics
Grade 9 students enrolled in a Career and Technical Education District (CTED) and in a Regionally Identified High Need program* must be reported to AzEDS with Tuition Payer code 9.
Tuition Payer Code 9:
• A 9th-grade student enrolled in a Regionally Identified High-Need program.
Grade 9 CTED students may generate funding when the student reaches the 40th day of grade 11 and is enrolled in an approved CTED program. Enrollment must be reported on the AzEDS Instructional Calendar for the 40th instructional day. While students can receive funding for 9th grade or the year after their graduation, they are prohibited from receiving CTED funding for more than four years, even if they attend more than one CTED.
School Finance will verify students' participation in the Regionally Identified High-Need program by using student data reported to AzEDS with a tuition payer code 9 and validate the data reported to the CTE Data Portal to calculate the appropriate ADM payment in the subsequent fiscal years. For example, if the 9th grade student in FY2025, remains enrolled in the program in FY2027 as an 11th grader, the ADM will be calculated in FY2027.
*Regionally Identified High Need programs are identified by the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) and approved by the Arizona Career and Technical Education Quality Commission (ACTEQC).
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