Addressing Disrupted Learning
The American Rescue Plan stipulates that 20% of an LEA’s total ESSER III award must be reserved to address learning loss through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended school year programs.
All activities and interventions funded through this required set aside must be evidence-based (see below), respond to students' academic, social, and emotional needs and address the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable student populations, including each major racial and ethnic group, children from low-income families, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, and migrant status, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care.
- Activities and interventions may include:
- Summer learning or summer enrichment programs
- Extended day programs
- Comprehensive afterschool programs
- Extended school year programs
- Other strategies (which could be during the regular school day)
“Evidence-based” has the same definition as used in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) for programs such as Title I-A.
Our Evidence-Based Practices, Strategies, Programs and Intervention webpage for more information, training materials and resources – to include tools and external websites that may be used to identify evidence-based resources, programs, practices and interventions
- Visit the Evidence-Based Practices, Strategies, Programs and Intervention webpage
- Search the Evidence-Based Database
- Watch the Evidence-Based Research Requirements Training Module and view the PowerPoint
- Read the Evidence-Based Tutoring Programs Guidance
- Download the Evidence-Based Tutoring Programs Template.
- This template should be completed and uploaded as a Related Document in the ESSER III application to ensure evidence-based requirements are met for tutoring programs that will be supported using the 20% required set-aside to address learning loss.
- Download the Evidence -Based Summer School/Learning Template
- This template should be completed and uploaded into related documents or questions answered in narrative box on the 20% Set Aside page.
- Selecting and Measuring the Effectiveness of Evidence Based Interventions-RELWEST and Comprehensive Center Network
Resources for 20% Setaside Funds
- Read the ESSER III 20% Set-Aside FAQ
- Review our Evidence-Based Strategies for ESSER Funds
Search an LEA below to review their plan for addressing disrupted learning. Only LEAs whose ESSER III applications have been "approved" (not submitted) are featured here.
LEA | Use of Set-Aside Funds | Response |
CASA Academy | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
In order to address significant learning loss that has occurred for students due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CASA Academy has added a Reading Interventionist on staff. The reading interventionist is charged with analyzing school-wide assessment data and creating and working with intervention groups to help students fill the learning loss gaps that have occurred because of the pandemic. CASA added this position in the 2021-22 school year and will use ESSER funds to be able to continue to support this position to address learning loss throughout the ESSER III budget period. Groups will range from 3-6 scholars depending on needs so the teacher to student ratio will range from 1:3 to 1:6. Intervention groups will occur for 20-30 minutes per day, 2-5 times per week based on need as determined by data. Students who need the most support will be pulled the most times per week. SIPPS is the evidence-based phonics intervention program that will be used. We will also use STEP data to guide instruction. Since CASA serves a low-income population, these students will be served in guided reading. CASA also serves a high percentage of EL students so these students will receive additional support through this intervention as well. We create all of the groups based off of our STEP assessment data. Groups will be monitored on an ongoing basis and officially tested and regrouped based on data 5 times per year. |
Caurus Academy, Inc | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are using our ESSER III funds to provide a guidance counselor to help our students adjust to all the changes that have taken place in the past two years and give them the opportunity to share their frustrations and grow through these experiences. We have added a health aide to help with extra COVID practices we have put in place, such as taking temperatures and making sure students and teachers have masks to wear. She also helps with extra load of students not feeling well and having fevers. She gives out information on staying home when ill, what COVID symptoms are, and resources available to families. We are also adding a new curriculum to help students with academic achievement and learning loss. |
Cave Creek Unified District | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
The ESSER III funds will be used to support teachers and students with much need resources to combat the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. The District believes that highly qualified supported teachers has the greatest impact on student success. Our plan supports teachers to provide interventions for the students who have experienced learning loss during COVID 19. The district will purchase technology and intervention software applications will help students and teachers to bridge these learning gaps for each major racial and ethnic group, economically disadvantaged, children with disabilities, English learners, gender, migrant status; homeless; and children and youth in foster care. The district has also outfitted all the buses with cameras for contact tracing and disinfected our schools for the health and safety of the staff and students. These ESSER funds have allowed the district to provide resources they would not have been otherwise able to purchase. |
Center for Academic Success, Inc. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
All schools within our LEA are Title I schools and therefore serve a majority of low-income students who were disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 disruptions. Their status makes them eligible for additional learning recovery services such as Afterschool Remediation, Intervention, Summer School, and Counseling Services. Center for Academic Success will implement a Summer School Program to meet the academic needs of our students, with extra duty pay for instructional staff to teach using evidence-based practices, supplemental resources to improve remediation strategies, and extra duty pay for administrative staff to coordinate and plan for the summer school program. The Summer School Program will serve Title I students, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care. Students will be targeted for the program based on IXL benchmark assessment data which is reviewed on a quarterly basis. Evidence-based practices will include remediation through IXL, Journeys HMH, and Saxon Math. The LEA will also implement comprehensive Afterschool Programs, to include extra duty pay for instructional staff to provide evidence-based intervention and remediation to students during out-of-school hours throughout the school year, supplemental resources to improve remediation strategies, and extra duty pay for administrative staff to coordinate and report on outcome data collected from the program. The Afterschool Program will serve Title I students, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care. Students will be targeted for the program based on IXL benchmark assessment data which is reviewed on a quarterly basis. Evidence-based practices will include remediation through IXL. Additional Instructional Staff will be provided through the use of ESSER funds, to include highly qualified supplemental teaching staff and an Interventionist Teacher to support students targeted for remediation. The Interventionist Teacher will serve Title I students, economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care. Students will be targeted for the program based on IXL benchmark assessment data which is reviewed on a quarterly basis. Evidence-based practices will include remediation through IXL. School technology needs will be supported by the purchase of Chromebooks for every student that may be utilized both in the classroom and at home when remote learning is necessary. A Technology Assistant will manage and maintain the inventory to provide effective technology services to staff and students. The LEA will also outfit classrooms with Interactive Smartboards to ensure increased student engagement and continuity of services. Special Education Students will receive additional support services through a contracted provider--Stepping Stones Group LLC. The LEA will also provide social and emotional support and interventions led by a certified School Counselor, and will supplement the salary of a Family Engagement Coordinator to strengthen the relationship between home and school and promote student mental health. CAS will procure new curriculum and resources for the Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program in order to provide mental health services and supports, including the Second Step Digital SEL Program for K-8 (SY 2022-23) . |
Compass High School, Inc. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
CHS At-Risk Team will use benchmark and diagnostic assessments to assess student learning and prioritize instruction of essential skills to accelerate learning. CHS will provide extended day, supplemental learning, and targeted learning during the school day to support students' academic achievement and social and emotional needs. Schools will use data and criteria to rank order and select students for extended day interventions, supplemental during the day interventions, and targeted / credit recovery support during summer school interventions, focusing on students and subgroups of students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. These students include English learners, students with disabilities, students, and youth in foster care, students in major racial and ethnic subgroups, students from low-income families, students experiencing homelessness, and other students who are at high risk of not meeting the academic standards. Data criteria and rank ordering will be used to select students for participation. Schools will actively recruit students in special subgroups. Teachers will focus on building relationships and making connections with students and their families using an asset-based approach. The At-Risk Team will identify the barriers and obstacles that may hinder or prevent students and families from participating in support programs. Advisors will support students with classroom-based lessons on social and emotional learning topics and meet with students individually, as needed. Educators will work collaboratively in teams at the school to meet the needs of students. Administrators will support teachers and staff in the development of and implementation of strategies to provide social and emotional support as part of regular classroom practice (e.g., focusing on growth mindset, using culturally responsive teaching, and learning practices, CASEL's SEL competencies), and connecting with and embracing parents as partners. At-Risk Team will find alternatives to at-school services as appropriate. There may be situations where students have the Coronavirus or have been exposed to the virus and must quarantine. In these situations, the LEA has created a plan to ensure students can still receive instruction through virtual learning either through packets w/ office hours, simultaneous teaching, or asynchronous teaching. ESSER funds will pay for an online curriculum, APEX, to help support these students. This curriculum will also help with credit/subject matter recovery once students have returned. |
EAGLE College Prep Harmony, LLC | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Intervention Support Services: Revision #1 - 5/23/22: Add Intervention paraprofessionals to grant budget. Intervention Teachers and Paraprofessionals - The intervention teachers and paraprofessionals will provide intervention instruction directly to students during the school day. They will work closely with teachers and school leadership select students for intervention and ensure students are receiving adequate time and resources during their intervention. Interventions will be conducted in both ELA and Math. The curriculum that will be used for intervention by the intervention teacher is Reading Mastery and/or SIPPS. School Counselor - The school counselor will provide social, emotional and mental health services to students on campus in one to one, small group, and whole class lessons to ensure that students have access to appropriate counseling services. Counselors will also provide referral support to families as appropriate. Revision #1 - 5/23/22: Remove Special Education Coordinator. Special Education Coordinator - They will be responsible for ensuring schools have a program in place and are following their program of instruction for addressing the needs of our Special Education. Tutoring - Tutoring services will be provided to struggling students before school, after school, and/or during the school day as appropriate. Tutoring will take place in small group or one to one setting and will focus on the essential reading and/or math skills needed by the student to ensure future success. Curriculum Resources Supports - Curriculum materials in Reading, Math and Social-Emotion will be adopted for students. The materials will include all the teacher and student resources as well as resources that address small group and individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. The curriculum used for Reading will be Amplify Core Knowledge and Amplify ELA curriculum. The curriculum used for Math will be Eureka Math by Great Minds. The Social Emotion curriculum that will be used is Second Step Elementary and Second Step Middle School. Professional Development: Professional Development for staff will be provided to ensure that the resources and materials purchased are being used to address the needs of all students, but especially the needs of our most vulnerable students such as low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Professional development including Math, Reading, and SEL as well as stipends for teachers and staff who are receiving professional development outside of their contracted hours. Technology: Chromebooks will be purchased to continue a one to one technology learning environment where students have access to materials and resources on their Chromebooks, both in person in the classroom and at home. Staff Laptops will also be purchased to ensure that staff have the resources and materials needed to support their students in our ever growing technologically advanced environment. Additional classroom resources infrastructure will be need or teachers to teach both virtual and in person lessons. Sharp Boards will be ordered for classrooms that do not currently have this technology to support students in an online learning environment. Infrastructure such as wiring will also be put in place so the boards are able to run at their full capacity. Supplies: Math Manipulatives will be purchased to provide for small group and whole group instruction and ensure all students have their own supplies. LETRS training participant material bundles will be purchased for all teachers participating in the LETRS training. All materials, staff, resources, and supports purchased using the ESSER III funds will go to ensuring a high-quality education in a loving and nurturing environment. These resources will target all students who may have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19 such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Our goal through interventions is to ensure our students have the staff, materials, and resources to grow and succeed. |
EAGLE College Prep Maryvale, LLC | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Intervention Support Services: EAGLE College Prep will use the funds from ESSER III to bring on intervention support services that respond to students' academic, social, emotional and mental health needs, particularly for those students most been disproportionately impacted such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Revision #1 - 5/24/22: Add Intervention paraprofessionals to grant budget. Intervention Teacher and Paraprofessionals - The Intervention teacher and paraprofessionals will provide intervention instruction directly to students during the school day. They will work closely with teachers and school leadership select students for intervention and ensure students are receiving adequate time and resources during their intervention. Interventions will be conducted in both ELA and Math. The curriculum that will be used for intervention by the intervention teacher is Reading Mastery and/or SIPPS. School Counselor - The school counselor will provide social, emotional and mental health services to students on campus in one to one, small group, and whole class lessons to ensure that students have access to appropriate counseling services. Counselors will also provide referral support to families as appropriate. Revision #1: 5/24/22: Remove Special Education Coordinator. Special Education Coordinator - They will be responsible for ensuring schools have a program in place and are following their program of instruction for addressing the needs of our Special Education. Tutoring - Tutoring services will be provided to struggling students before school, after school, and/or during the school day as appropriate. Tutoring will take place in small group or one to one setting and will focus on the essential reading and/or math skills needed by the student to ensure future success. Curriculum Resources Supports - Curriculum materials in Reading, Math and Social-Emotion will be adopted for students. The materials will include all the teacher and student resources as well as resources that address small group and individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. The curriculum used for Reading will be Amplify Core Knowledge and Amplify ELA curriculum. The curriculum used for Math will be Eureka Math by Great Minds. The Social Emotion curriculum that will be used is Second Step Elementary and Second Step Middle School. Intervention Curriculum Resources - Curriculum materials specifically for the SPED and EL programs will be reviewed and possibly adopted for students. These materials will include all the teacher and student resources for small group and individual intervention and address the individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. Professional Development: Professional Development for staff will be provided to ensure that the resources and materials purchased are being used to address the needs of all students, but especially the needs of our most vulnerable students such as low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Professional development including Math, Reading, and SEL as well as stipends for teachers and staff who ae receiving professional development outside of there contracted hours. Technology: Chromebooks will be purchased to continue a one to one technology learning environment where students have access to materials and resources on their Chromebooks, both in person in the classroom and at home. Staff Laptops will also be purchased to ensure that staff have the resources and materials needed to support their students in our ever growing technologically advanced environment. Additional classroom resources infrastructure will be need or teachers to teach both virtual and in person lessons. Sharp Boards will be ordered for classrooms that do not currently have this technology to support students in an online learning environment. Infrastructure such as wiring will also be put in place so the boards are able to run at their full capacity. Support Services for Google classroom will also be purchased and provided to staff, teachers, and students to ensure technology support during the school day and outside of the school day. They will assist with setting up he Google Classrooms and ensuring continuity between the various Google applications. Supplies: Math Manipulatives will be purchased to provide for small group and whole group instruction and ensure all students have their own supplies. All materials, staff, resources, and supports purchased using the ESSER III funds will go to ensuring a high quality education in a loving and nurturing environment. These resources will target all students who may have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19 such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Our goal through interventions is to ensure our students have the staff, materials, and resources to grow and succeed. |
EAGLE College Prep Mesa, LLC. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Intervention Support Services: EAGLE College Prep will use the funds from ESSER III to bring on intervention support services that respond to students' academic, social, emotional and mental health needs, particularly for those students most been disproportionately impacted such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Intervention Teacher - The intervention teacher will provide intervention instruction directly to students during the school day. They will work closely with teachers and school leadership select students for intervention and ensure students are receiving adequate time and resources during their intervention. Interventions will be conducted in both ELA and Math. School Counselor - The school counselor will provide social, emotional and mental health services to students on campus in one to one, small group, and whole class lessons to ensure that students have access to appropriate counseling services. Counselors will also provide referral support to families as appropriate. Revision #1 - 5/25/22: Remove the Special Education Coordinator. Special Education Coordinator - They will be responsible for ensuring schools have a program in place and are following their program of instruction for addressing the needs of our Special Education. Tutoring - Tutoring services will be provided to struggling students before school, after school, and/or during the school day as appropriate. Tutoring will take place in small group or one to one setting and will focus on the essential reading and/or math skills needed by the student to ensure future success. Curriculum Resources Supports - Curriculum materials in Reading, Math and Social-Emotion will be adopted for students. The materials will include all the teacher and student resources as well as resources that address small group and individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. The curriculum used for Reading will be Amplify Core Knowledge and Amplify ELA curriculum. The curriculum used for Math will be Eureka Math by Great Minds. The Social Emotion curriculum that will be used is Second Step Elementary and Second Step Middle School. Professional Development: Professional Development for staff will be provided to ensure that the resources and materials purchased are being used to address the needs of all students, but especially the needs of our most vulnerable students such as low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Professional development including Math, Reading, and SEL as well as stipends for teachers and staff who ae receiving professional development outside of their contracted hours. Technology: Chromebooks will be purchased to continue a one to one technology learning environment where students have access to materials and resources on their Chromebooks, both in person in the classroom and at home. Staff Laptops will also be purchased to ensure that staff have the resources and materials needed to support their students in our ever growing technologically advanced environment. Additional classroom resources infrastructure will be need or teachers to teach both virtual and in person lessons. Sharp Boards will be ordered for classrooms that do not currently have this technology to support students in an online learning environment. Infrastructure such as wiring will also be put in place so the boards are able to run at their full capacity. Support Services for Google classroom will also be purchased and provided to staff, teachers, and students to ensure technology support during the school day and outside of the school day. They will assist with setting up he Google Classrooms and ensuring continuity between the various Google applications. Supplies: Math Manipulatives will be purchased to provide for small group and whole group instruction and ensure all students have their own supplies. All materials, staff, resources, and supports purchased using the ESSER III funds will go to ensuring a high quality education in a loving and nurturing environment. These resources will target all students who may have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19 such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Our goal through interventions is to ensure our students have the staff, materials, and resources to grow and succeed. |
EAGLE South Mountain Charter, Inc. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Intervention Support Services EAGLE College Prep will use the funds from ESSER III to bring on intervention support services that respond to students' academic, social, emotional and mental health needs, particularly for those students most been disproportionately impacted such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Revision #1 - 5/25/22: Added 3 intervention paraprofessionals to the grant budget. Intervention Teacher and Paraprofessionals - The intervention teacher and paraprofessionals will provide intervention instruction directly to students during the school day. They will work closely with teachers and school leadership select students for intervention and ensure students are receiving adequate time and resources during their intervention. Interventions will be conducted in both ELA and Math. School Counselor - The school counselor will provide social, emotional and mental health services to students on campus in one to one, small group, and whole class lessons to ensure that students have access to appropriate counseling services. Counselors will also provide referral support to families as appropriate. Special Education Coordinator - They will be responsible for ensuring schools have a program in place and are following their program of instruction for addressing the needs of our Special Education. Tutoring - Tutoring services will be provided to struggling students before school, after school, and/or during the school day as appropriate. Tutoring will take place in small group or one to one setting and will focus on the essential reading and/or math skills needed by the student to ensure future success. Curriculum Resources Supports - Curriculum materials in Reading, Math and Social-Emotion will be adopted for students. The materials will include all the teacher and student resources as well as resources that address small group and individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. The curriculum used for Reading will be Amplify Core Knowledge and Amplify ELA curriculum. The curriculum used for Math will be Eureka Math by Great Minds. The Social Emotion curriculum that will be used is Second Step Elementary and Second Step Middle School. Intervention Curriculum Resources - Curriculum materials specifically for the SPED and EL programs will be reviewed and possibly adopted for students. These materials will include all the teacher and student resources for small group and individual intervention and address the individual student needs and the needs of student groups who have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID 19 pandemic. Professional Development Professional Development for staff will be provided to ensure that the resources and materials purchased are being used to address the needs of all students, but especially the needs of our most vulnerable students such as low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Professional development including Math, Reading, and SEL as well as stipends for teachers and staff who ae receiving professional development outside of there contracted hours. Technology Chromebooks will be purchased to continue a one to one technology learning environment where students have access to materials and resources on their Chromebooks, both in person in the classroom and at home. Staff Laptops will also be purchased to ensure that staff have the resources and materials needed to support their students in our ever growing technologically advanced environment. Additional classroom resources infrastructure will be need or teachers to teach both virtual and in person lessons. Sharp Boards will be ordered for classrooms that do not currently have this technology to support students in an online learning environment. Infrastructure such as wiring will also be put in place so the boards are able to run at their full capacity. Support Services for Google classroom will also be purchased and provided to staff, teachers, and students to ensure technology support during the school day and outside of the school day. They will assist with setting up he Google Classrooms and ensuring continuity between the various Google applications. Supplies Math Manipulatives will be purchased to provide for small group and whole group instruction and ensure all students have their own supplies. All materials, staff, resources, and supports purchased using the ESSER III funds will go to ensuring a high quality education in a loving and nurturing environment. These resources will target all students who may have been disproportionately impacted by COVID 19 such as our low-income, English learners, students with disabilities or displaced students such as homeless, foster or migratory students. Our goal through interventions is to ensure our students have the staff, materials, and resources to grow and succeed. |
East Mesa Charter Elementary School, Inc. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
- Tutoring-Spring-Fall/Salary - After school tutoring program to increase learning loss due to COVID 19 will be provided using the Fundations curriculum for phonics and reading and Eureka math curriculum. Each major racial and ethnic group, poor students, children with disabilities, English learners, gender and migrant status; students experiencing homelessness; and children and youth in foster care will be part of the program. |
Edkey Inc. dba American Heritage Academy | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We have purchased curriculum (Success for All) to help our students increase their learning, especially what has been lost during the pandemic. This also includes professional development for staff. We are hiring a School Counselor to help the student cope with distance learning, being away from friends, and frustration at all the negative changes in their lives. We have summer school programs to help our students with extra learning and socialization. We've purchased assessment tools (Moby Max, USA Test Prep, Amplify Learning, Scenario Learning) to help teachers use data better so they can help their students grow academically. |
Edkey, Inc. - Arizona Conservatory for Arts and Academics | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are purchasing curriculum (Amplify Learning, Ramsey Solutions, Wayside Publishing) to help our students increase their learning, especially what has been lost during the pandemic. We having summer school teachers and paraprofessionals, before and after school teachers, and additional paraprofessionals to give the students additional time and attention to learn needed academic skills with all the changes that have happened the past two years. We are addressing social and emotional learning through our fine arts programs. We've purchased assessment tools (USA Test Prep and Scenario Learning) to help teachers use data better so they can help their students grow academically. |
Edkey, Inc. - Redwood Academy | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are using our ESSER III funds to provide summer school to provide our students extra learning time to catch up |
Edkey, Inc. - Sequoia Choice Schools | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are purchasing curriculum to help our students |
Edkey, Inc. - Sequoia Pathway Academy | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are using our ESSER III funds to provide summer school to provide our students extra learning time to catch up on lost learning. Each class was 45 minutes long. |
Edkey, Inc. - Sequoia Ranch School | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We are purchasing curriculum to help our students |
EduPreneurship, Inc. | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
We will be providing summer school for those students who have been impacted by lost instructional time to help them reach their growth levels and provide social emotional support for students by having a counselor come in to do small group sessions as well as one on one when needed. We will use McGraw Hill curriculum materials and scholastic guided reading materials to help students recoup what they have lost because of covid. |
Estrella Educational Foundation | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Estrella Educational Foundation will monitor the effectiveness of interventions implemented through benchmark testing, both formative and summative assessments, and teacher input. For summer school and tutoring efforts, we are mainly addressing low SES students, of the majority being Hispanic and African American. Most of the low SES students, of the majority being Hispanic and African American, are those who have experienced learning loss. The curriculum that will be used for tutoring is Achieve 3000 along with project-based learning. Online video and support will be given to students who cannot attend classes on campus. The primary use of ESSER III funds is to address learning loss via summer STEM camp, after school tutoring (teachers and coordinator) and teacher STEM PD (registration, travel, and curriculum materials). SEL is addressed via increased student engagement using STEM enrichment activities using CODEHS Gold software. A Student Activity Coordinator will also receive a stipend to work with students on engaging activities. Administrative fees for grant writing and reporting as well as building rent and subscriptions to Backbone Communication are also requested to support the site and the students. Data gathered will be evaluated to make decisions about the effectiveness of the interventions and the impact they have on lost instructional time, the academic, social, emotional and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those students disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, including students from low-income families, students of color, English learners, children with disabilities, students experiencing homelessness, and out students in foster care. |
Ethos Academy - A Challenge Foundation Academy | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Ethos is requesting funds to address the academic impact of lost instructional time due to COVID-19 by primarily providing staffing (instructional aides) to provide targeted student supports. Ethos is also offering summer school and after school tutoring. The summer school curriculum used is Wonders and Open Court for ELA and Everyday Math. The tutoring curriculum used is Everyday Math. Teachers are being provided with PD in support of effective strategies for reaching students in ELA and Math. Training sessions include LETRS- Teacher Training. For SEL supports, both teachers and students will participate in contracted training sessions on Mindfulness First. Ethos enrolls mainly racial/ethnic minority students with a number of them being identified as an ELL. Nearly all of Ethos' students are considered low income. The vulnerable student population targeted are mainly racial/ethnic minority students (Hispanic and African American students are 74% of the student population) with a number of them being identified as an ELL (16%), and nearly all Ethos' students are low income. Additional vulnerable, targeted students are SPED students (11% of student population) and students experiencing homelessness (3%). |
Flowing Wells Unified District | Wholistically address academic and SEL impact, especially for students disproportionately impacted by COVID-19 |
Flowing Wells School District uses high quality benchmark assessments in conjunction with state assessment results to evaluate the academic progress of students and determine appropriate acceleration strategies. Academic acceleration interventions include high-interest in-person extended day and summer programs taught by certified teachers. High-interest in-person enrichment programs also are provided during extended day and summer programming and also are taught by certified teachers and high quality paraprofessionals. Flowing Wells employs a continuum of approaches to match students with programs, including recruiting targeted students/families based on student assessment data, linking specific students with credit recovery opportunities, and advertising open enrollment opportunities to all families. Recruitment and advertising are provided in English and Spanish and are distributed to families through a variety of formats, including print, social media, email, and text messaging. Extended day interventions and summer programs will support the needs of all students, and particularly students from low-income families, students of color, and students with disabilities given the high concentration of these students enrolled in the Flowing Wells District. Additionally, Flowing Wells address students' social emotional needs through activities and interactions facilitated by the Fitness Center Coordinator and the Community Outreach Coordinator. Flowing Wells also addresses students' SEL needs through a variety of non-ESSER-funded strategies, including through student support specialists (social workers) at all levels, through school counselors in the secondary grades, and through systematic professional development provided to all first and second-year teachers focused on developing positive relationships. |