Adult Education Administrators
Adult Education Directors and Administrators
This page is for Adult Education Directors and Administrators
Program Guidance Documents & Supporting Documents
WIOA Title II Local Provider Technical Assistance Guide (PTAG)
The PTAG is the document for all technical guidance regarding management of a WIOA Title II program.
Assessment Resources
The Assessment Policy documents details on how assessments should be implemented at programs and includes details such as testing requirements, certification requirements, and more.
TABE Proctor Certification Course
Course Topics: Preparing the testing environment, getting examinees started testing, recognizing and reporting testing violations, remote proctoring of assessments, specifics of taking the TABE 11&12 and/or TABE CLAS-E, using the DRC INSIGHT portal, the examinee testing experience through the Online Tools Training.
TABE Coordinator Certification Course
Course Topics: Add/edit student info in INSIGHT, the AZ Adult Education Assessment Policy, downloading testing software/apps on testing devices, and reporting testing violations.
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the TABE Proctor Course. Registration for the Coordinator Course will be possible 24 hours after Proctor Course completion.
This is the main website for the Test of Adult Basic Education, or TABE. TABE is currently the only approved in Arizona to measure student progress and help prepare them for taking GED® assessments.
This is a tool for training staff and examinees with DRC INSIGHT, the primary testing platform for students.
TABE Score Manual Entry Request
This form is to request a manual entry of TABE score(s). It should only> be used if the reason for the request is an approved manual entry reason listed on the form. For any other reasons, a support ticket should be submitted in AAEDMS.
Integrated Education & Training (IET) Implementation Plan
The Integrated Education & Training, or IET, Implementation Plan is an interactive document designed to help programs develop and manage an IET program. This is a required document if an IET is being funded.
Professional Learning Implementation Plan (PLIP)
The Professional Learning Implementation Plan, or PLIP, is an interactive document designed to help programs develop effective professional learning for their staff. This is a required document. Additional information available in the PLIP dropdown below.
Program Operations Plan
The Program Operations Plan is an interactive document that is submitted on an annual basis covering details about how a program is run. This is a required document. Message your liaison for more details.
Professional Learning Implementation Plan (PLIP)
All WIOA Title II Providers are required to allocate 10% of awarded grant funds towards professional development of staff. The Professional Learning Implementation Plan, or PLIP, is designed to help programs develop and plan effective professional learning for staff and instructors.
All programs will receive a unique copy of a live document for the PLIP to complete. Reach out to if you require a link to your program's copy of the PLIP.
The PLIP has a Worksheet that is designed to be completed initially. After this, the PLIP spreadsheet should be maintained over the course of the year.
PLIP Resources
Data Resources
Arizona Adult Education Data Management System (AAEDMS)
This is the approved data management system for WIOA Title II Programs.
This is a practice/demonstration version of the Arizona Adult Education Data Management System.
AAEDMS How-To Videos
- AAEDMS: Navigating the System
- AAEDMS: Separating Students
- AAEDMS: Approvals Pending
- AAEDMS: Adding Students to Classes and Marking Attendance
- AAEDMS: Creating Classes
- AAEDMS: Entering a Returning Student Registration (Previously Separated Student)
National Reporting System for Adult Education (NRS) Resources
This form is to be submitted by data coordinators or program directors following completion of monthly data entry and approval. It is due by the 15th of the following month or the next business day should the 15th fall on a weekend or holiday.
Administrator Training and Resources
The U.S. Department of Education's on-demand training is currently down for new users. Please reach out to your liaison if you need alternative options.
All staff working with students and student data are required to complete FERPA training. Training can be done by individual programs or through approved trainings at this site.
The TABE Certification Courses are for staff that will be proctoring or coordinator TABE tests. There are two certification courses available.
An introduction to the 3 pathways to earning a High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma in the State of Arizona. Topics include pathway eligibility; brief overviews of each pathway (GED® Testing Pathway; College Credit Pathway; and the HSE PLUS Career Readiness Pathway); and the process for pathway completion are covered. A section is also directed towards WIOA Title II Adult Education personnel who are working to guide prospective HSE candidates to the most appropriate pathway.
Get a background of the W.I.O.A. Title II Adult Education system and the role that the Arizona Department of Education has in it. Applicable for anyone new to the system (teachers, administrators, partner organizations, etc.).
See the trainings available for State Leadership Initiatives.
Additional Resources
- College for Adults Website (An NCTN Resource)
This site is designed to help adults who are going to college for the first time and is developed by the National College Transition Network (NCTN) which is a part of World Education. - Arizona Technology Access Program (AzTAP) Website
The Arizona Technology Access Program website contains a wide variety of resources and information regarding Assistive Technology (AT) to enable persons with disabilities to be more productive and independent in daily activities.
WIOA Title II Partners & Collaborators
Under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the Governor of each State must submit a Unified or Combined State Plan to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor that outlines a four-year strategy for the State's workforce development system. This links to the most current state plan.
PipelineAZ provides additional information to the public regarding Integrated Education & Training programs.
The ARIZONA@WORK website provides extensive workforce development services and offers resources and assistance to adult learners and job seekers across Arizona.
Adult Education Teacher Certification
Adult Education Teacher Certification Requirements
All adult education instructors and administrators are required to hold a current Arizona Adult Education certificate within 60 days of hire date.
Adult Education AEPA Exams
There are four different Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA) exams available to certify adult education instructors.
Fiscal & Grants Management
Federal Uniform Grant Guidance
This is the uniform guidance on administrative requirements and cost principles for Federal grant funds. This guidance dictates what costs are allowed under the grant awards to WIOA Title II Adult Education Programs.
This is the State of Arizona's standardized account code structure that prescribes the financial codes to be used for documenting expenditures.
Grants Management Enterprise (GME)
The Grants Management Enterprise (GME) is where grant funds are facilitated and managed. For information on navigation, see the following:

For additional information and questions regarding program operations, please contact your program's liaison.