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Program Area: 21st CCLC - Afterschool Programs
Program Area: School Safety & Social Wellness
ADE VIRTUAL HEALTH OFFICE RESOURCE HUBThis page is designed to provide School Nursing and Health Staff with specialized resources and detailed information on the guidelines surrounding Sch
Program Area: Office of Indian Education
Indigenous Arizona: Blog from the Office of Indian Education
Program Area: K-12 Academic Standards
Arizona History and Social Science StandardsArizona Civics Test Inform
Program Area: K-12 Academic Standards
The Early Literacy Grant (ELG) is literacy-focused funding for eligible schools serving our most at-risk populations in grades Kindergarten through third grade.
Program Area: Special Education
Nominations are now being accepted for this year’s Arizona Secondary Transition Services Awards! On behalf of the Arizona Department of Education, Exceptional Student Services, a
Program Area: Special Education
Are related service providers required to attend IEP meetings?When assembling an IEP team, a school is required by the regulations that implement the IDEA to include, at a minimum, a regul
Program Area: 21st CCLC - Afterschool Programs
This section is a host for questions and answers from the field related to 21st Century Community Learning Centers New Grant Application process.For assistance or more information about th
Program Area: Special Education
What is an independent educational evaluation (IEE) and when is a parent entitled to one?Basically an IEE is a second opinion.
Program Area: Gifted & Advanced Learning
The College Credit by Examination Incentive Program (CCEIP)
Program Area: Move On When Reading
For commonly asked Move On When Reading questions, please see the appropriate category below: